Untitled Part 15

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A few years later: Quinn is 14 and going to high school

"Good luck," Dad said as I got out of the car.

"I'll need it," I replied.

When I walked in the school, I found Jack, Matt, Alfie Noah and Kix.

"Hey guys! It's Quinn!" Kix said.


We greeted each other with hugs. "So, is anyone else nervous?" I asked.

"Hell yeah," Noah replied.

"How could we not?"

"OI! LESBO!" Someone shouted down the corridor. I looked up to where the voice came from. Rose. Ugh! She was looking directly at me. Her and her posse came over to me. "Oh I remember this little shit and her dumb friends!" Her friends laughed.

"What do you want, Rose?" I sighed.

"To get rid of vermin like you," She replied.

"Does that mean you'd be gone too?" I asked back.

"Why would Rose be gone?" One of her friends asked.

"She said 'vermin', she was my first thought," I shrugged.

"Ugh! Bitch!" Rose remarks as she slapped me across the face.

"Leave me alone, Rose. This shit's old," I sighed and walked off with my friends.


I ignored the comment and kept on going to the math class I had with Matt and Noah. Us three were the 'smart' ones. Alfie, Jack and Kix were in the middle set, not bottom. But it's weird, Alfie used to be one of the cleverest people I know. And now it's me, Noah and Matt.

Me, Matt and Noah walked in, seeing the teacher was a strict-looking old woman in a blazer. Oh Jesus.

"Stand around the room and I'll seat you. It'll be boy-girl so don't get your hopes up," she said. So I stood with Matt and Noah at the back of the room. It didn't take long for the rest of the class to come in and stand around the room.

"Ok, you, sit here," she pointed to one of the other boys in my class, Dan. He was hot! I have to admit. He went to my middle school too and I had, and still have, a massive crush on him. His sweet brown eyes. His brown hair. His tanned skin. His-

"You," she pointed at me. "Sit next to him."

I'm sitting next to my crush! Oh God! I can't embarrass myself. Quinn, you got this. So, I went over to where Dan was sat and sat next to him, getting out a pen to use.

Everyone else got their seats and Matt, Noah and I have the worst luck. We're all really far apart and can't really talk to each other.

"My name is Mrs Arthur. I have high expectancies for this class, you're a top set so you need to defend that," the teacher began, "So, get out your books, wire the date and we will begin.

Mrs Arthur began explain some percentage shit that I already knew. So when we got the work, I got it immediately.

"What did you get for the second question?" Dan asked me.

"I got 62.34," I replied. I heard a frustrated sigh come from him. I felt bad. "You know I could be wrong and you could be right. Don't just assume you're wrong."

"But you're great at math," he said, "can you help me?"

"Ok, can I see?" I asked, pointing to his book. "Oh, you've (SOME EASY MISTAKE TO MAKE DOING PERCENTAGES) Don't worry, I used to do that all the time."

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