Untitled Part 36

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I got up and dressed into shorts and a vest top since I was staying in today. I got the first box out from the spare room which was my pictures and special things. Then I heard some yelling from outside and went to investigate. I opened my front door and saw my neighbors outside, Pablo and Julieta were dressed for work, Lucia was in a school uniform and both Diego and Abril were wearing normal clothes.

"¿Esta todo bien?" I asked. (IS EVERYTHING OK?)

"Está bien, acabamos de tener un pequeño problema," Julieta said. (IT'S OK, WE JUST HAVE A LITTLE PROBLEM)

"¿Puedo ayudar de alguna manera?" I asked. (CAN I HELP IN ANY WAY?)

"Son Diego y Abril. No tenemos a nadie que los cuide hoy," Pablo said. (IT'S DIEGO AND ABRIL. WE HAVE NO ONE TO LOOK AFTER THEM TODAY)

"Es tu día de suerte porque no tengo nada que hacer hoy. Estoy desempacando. Puedo tomarlos," I offered. (IT'S YOUR LUCKY DAY BECAUSE I HAVE NOTHING TO DO TODAY. i'M UNPACKING. I CAN TAKE THEM)

"¿Estás seguro?" Julieta asked. (ARE YOU SURE?)

"Sí, está bien. ¿Hay algo que necesite saber?" I asked. (YES, IT'S FINE. IS THERE ANYTHING I NEED TO KNOW?)

"Muchas gracias. Lo único es que Abril no puede tener nueses," Julieta said. (THANK YOU SO MUCH. THE ONLY THING IS THAT ABRIL CAN'T HAVE NUTS)

"En cualquier momento," I said. (ANYTIME)

The twins got lectured about being good and then the other three left. I walked the two in my apartment and decided to get them to help me by getting thing out of the boxes. Then there was a smash when my back was turned, putting a picture up on the wall. I turned around fast and saw a picture, face down and Diego looking guilty. I went over and picked it up. Of all the pictures, it had to be this one. My favourite picture of me and my friends, including Jack, at Wembley Stadium with Kane and the others from four years ago. I felt tears run down my face. I still miss Jack a lot, even four years on.

"Lo siento mucho. No quise hacerlo," Diego said on the verge of tears.

"Está ben, Diego. Sé que no fue tu intencón, todos cometemos errores," I said, wiping the tears away. (IT'S OK DIEGO. I KNOW YOU DIDN'T MEAN TO, WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES)

"¿Quién está en la imagen?" Abril asked. (WHO'S IN THE PICTURE?)

"Somos yo y mis amigos, Jack, Noah, Matt, Alfie, Kix y mi gemela, Queenie. Estábamos en Wembley Stadium en Inglaterra jugando fútbol con gente famosa," I told them. (THAT'S ME AND MY FRIENDS JACK, NOAH, ALFIE, KIX AND MY TWIN QUEENIE. WE WERE AT WEMBLEY STADIUM IN ENGLAND PLAYING SOCCER WITH FAMOUS PEOPLE)

"Eso tan cool," Diego said, gasping. (THAT'S SO COOL)

¿Por qué no tomamos un descanso? Veamos algunos YouTube," I suggested. (WHY DON'T WE TAKE A BREAK? LET'S WATCH SOME YOUTUBE)

"¿Jake Paul?" Diego asked.

"¿Cómo supiste sobre Jake Paul? Eres un poco joven," I asked. (HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT JAKE PAUL? YOU'RE A BIT YOUNG)

"Lucia," Abril replied.

"Ah," I said.

¿A quién ves en YouTube?" Diego asked.(WHO DO YOU WATCH ON YOUTUBE?)

"Mi papá realmente hace YouTube, así que soy un poco famoso," I told them. (MY DAD ACTUALLY DOES YOUTUBE, SO I'M A BIT FAMOUS)

"¿Quién es tu papá?" Abril asked, shocked. (WHO'S YOUR DAD?)

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