Untitled Part 19

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I was going to the hospital today. To see Jack with Matt, Alfie, Kix, Noah and Queenie. It Saturday, the first day we could all go together, which is what we wanted.

We got led in by a nurse. Seeing Jack looking like that in bed was upsetting but I couldn't show it.

"Hey guys!" Jack said happily. His eyes lit up, making his eyes look like crystals. 

"Jack!" I cheered and ran over.

"So, what shit have I missed at school?" Jack asked.

"Honestly, not much," Noah said, "But we got Mr Adams fired."

"YES!" Jack celebrated.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Mr Adams is such a dick. He gives out detentions for no reason," Jack explained, "He can't do his job right."

"Nice one," Queenie said, laughing. 

"What's the food like here?" Alfie asked. 

"Shit, I've got to be honest," Jack smirked.

"Well, good news, I brought chocolate," I announced, bringing the box out from my bag.

"You're such a chocoholic, Quinn," Kix laughed.

"Always have been, always will," I shrugged. 

"Well, it's mine, you can't have any," Jack laughed, taking it from me. 

"Fairpoint," Noah said. 

Jack opened the chocolate and the smell wafted around the room. It was hard to hold myself back.

"Kix, if I start reaching forwards, slap me," I said. The others laughed at me. One of the reasons I've always been friends with Jack is our taste in chocolate. We have the same favourite chocolate, Hershey's. What can I say? It's amazing! (TRUTH BE TOLD, I HAVE NEVER HAD A HERSHEY'S BAR IN MY LIFE. THEY'RE MORE AN AMERICAN THING BUT WE DO HAVE THEM IN THE UK. I JUST ALWAYS GO FOR A WISPA...)

"Go on, Quinn, have a block, all of you can," Jack offered. 

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, Quinn," Jack said, holding out a block for me. I took it and placed it in my mouth. So good!

Everyone got a piece and had it. We all loved chocolate, but Jack and I were the experts. We loved chocolate the most, which is why all our presents for each other were mostly chocolate, whatever the occasion. White, milk or dark, we loved it. I had got Jack amassive hamper of just Hershey's so he'd better be happy with it. 

We talked for hours on end with each other. There was no difference to the average school day when we'd talk and make fun of each other. But then the nurse came in with horrible news. Six months. Six months was all he had left. Roughly. But it's not long. Not long at all. After the nurse left, no one spoke a word. Silent tears ran down faces. Jack was a main source of happiness in our group. We can't go without him. Even Queenie. She may not have known him for long, but she had been the newest victim of The Jack-Effect. Meaning, he had an impact on you, such a strong one too. 

"I'm sorry guys," Jack finally said through tears.

"What?" I asked. Why's he sorry? He shouldn't be sorry.

"I'm sorry. I don't want you guys going through this. I want you to be happy, even without me," He said.

"Stop, Jack," Noah said, "It's not your fault, is it."


"No," Kix interrupted, "You can't help it. We should be sorry for you having to go through this. You don't deserve this."

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