Untitled Part 26

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After paying, we ran riot in the trampoline park. "Take your best shot!" Corey said, handing me a ball and pointing to the basketball hoops. I jumped, flipped and put the ball in the ring, hanging onto the ring at the end.

"How often do you come here?" Sam asked Dad.

"Too much," Dad replied.

We did many shots and misses and eventually made our way to the foam. We jumped in, flipping or whatever, and hung at the back, having a foam fight. There were other people here but they ignored us. Then we got told off.

"HEY! GET OUT OF THE FOAM PIT! IT'S DANGEROUS!" The employee yelled. Everyone stopped jumping and stared as we got out the foam pit. "You're fully grown men you should know to obey the rules here!"

"Excuse me, do I look like a fully grown man to you?" I asked, glaring at her.

"Sorry, but you should still obey the rules unlike your.... uh, whoever these people are to you," she said, "You're like ten."

"Mentally or physically? Because you're wrong in both cases," I sassed.

"Please leave," She said.

"Quinn, come on, let's go," Dad said.

We got our shoes and then left. "Now what?" Colby asked.

"I don't know," I shrugged, "But she was being stupid."

"She called you a ten year old, she was funny," Corey laughed.

"I'm fourteen, that's the sad part," I added.

We laughed and agreed on going to Sam and Kat's house. Why theirs, I don't know, but that's where we were going.

"Thanks for this," I said in the car.

"Anytime," Dad replied, concentrating on the road, as per usual when driving. Soon, we got there and Sam was already there. All of the Golbach family were there. (I WROTE THAT AND 'TAKE A LOOK AT MY BOYFRIEND BEGAN PLAYING. HEH)

It didn't take long for us all to arrive. But this time, Colby wasn't last, it was Corey. So we made fun of him for it. Conversation sparked, the Xbox got turned on. All the little kids were here since Colby, Corey and Aaron went home and picked up their loved ones before coming here. We're all one big happy family. I was relegated to the floor as always because the adults took the space on the couches and armchair. There's two couches and one armchair and every spot is taken. But this means, I become the chair for the little ones. I have Ajay, Taylor and Bradley on my lap and Oliver sat next to me.

"Who said I was a chair?" I asked.

"Taylor," Bradley replied, laughing.

"HEY!" Taylor moaned and shoved Bradley off my lap.

"Oi, stop it now," I warned.

Rocket League was pulled up, of course, and I was up against Brennen.

"Prepare to lose, Quinn," Brennen said in a cocky manner.

"I think you'll find it's the opposite situation here, Brennen," I said back, smirking.


We began playing and I scored first. But we began going again and bradley stole my controller.

"This is cheating!" I yelled.

"Daddy said to do it," He said, pulling the most innocent face he could muster.

"Doesn't mean anything here, Bradley," I said, reaching for the controller. Brennen by this point was scoring loads.

"Quinn, do you take back your comment?" Brennen asked.

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