Untitled Part 30

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Being at school without Jack is hard. It's getting easier but it's still hard. My best friend is just gone from existance. But my friends and I have each other and we help one another through. But the main talk at the moment is the dance in May. A school dance. I really don't want to go. The guys are getting dates and Queenie is begging me to come.

"No. I'm not going. All school dances that I went to sucked!" I moaned.

"When did you go?" Noah asked.

"A few times before I was adopted," I said, "but I was bored as hell there because I didn't have anyone with me since you lot refused to go!"

"Ok, fair. But this one can be different. We're all going and this is high school, maybe it'll be different!" Matt said.

"I still don't want to go," I said, being stubborn.

"I will force you, no matter what," Queenie said with a mystery look.

"There is no way, you can get me out of my house looking nice on that night. I will get Circa to attack you. I will put up the Smack-Cam hands and get you in the face," I warned.

"You won't," she said, "You only have two and one you can't carry by yourself."

"Damn," I cursed. The others laughed. "But I refuse to go."

"We may have to get your dad in on this, y'know," Kix said, grinning.




I was chilling in my room with Circa, watching YouTube when someone walked in my room. I saw they had a huge bag of stuff and I knew what was going on.

"NO! QUEENIE, NO!" I shouted.

She was laughing. "I told you I would, get up and let me do my magic!"

"Circa, protect me!" I begged. Then dad put his head through the door.

"Circa come here!" He said. Of course she immediately goes to him.


Dad laughed at me. "Do as Queenie says please!"

"What?!" I moaned. I got up and sat at my desk, where she was setting up makeup and other things. "What's that?"

"A makeup brush," Queenie said.

"It looks like a mermaid tail," I said, being three years old.

"Yes, now shh," she said, putting stuff on my face.

This is mean. I don't particularly like makeup and that's why I have none.

"I like how you know that you have to bring makeup because I have none," I laughed.

"Well you're forever saying how you don't like it so I just assumed," she replied.

About 20 minutes later, my face was done but I couldn't get up because she had to do my hair.

"Can I not have it up?" I begged.

"No, I'm fulfilling my promise of getting you to have your hair down for once," she said, smirking and turning on a curling iron.

"Oh shit," I moaned, dreading it.

The first lock of hair got curled. Then the second. Then the third.

It took a while to get all of it because I have decently thick hair. Then, she took two small chunks from either side of my face and brought them back, pinning them.

Adopted By TFIL (Elton Castee)Where stories live. Discover now