Untitled Part 41

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Finally, I'm getting this cast off! But then I get an operation, fucking great! I need my knee cap replaced and then I'll have a brace for a while because my bone are still healing. Fan-fucking-tastic.

My cast was taken off but I couldn't move me leg around due to my knee. It hurt but I just gritted my teeth. I was given the chemicals to knock me out for the operation where I got a new metal kneecap. I'm officially a grandma. Well, actually I guess that's more hip replacement. Either way, still a grandma.


It's always scary, waking up in a hospital room. Even when you know why you're there, no one really wants to be in hospital do they? I sat up, feeling woozy, and looked at my leg in it's brace. At that moment, dad walked in to see me.

"Good morning, Sleepy," He said, smirking.

"Morning," I half-mumbled.

"Tired?" Dad asked.

"Yep," I yawned.

"Oh my God! Are you feeling ok? You're never tired!" He said, 'worriedly' and grabbed my arm.

"I'm fine," I laughed.

"Well, your knee's all good so you're coming home," dad said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep," he replied. Then the doctor came in.

"I need to give you a brief about your leg, so you aren't leaving yet," the doctor said. He then proceeded to take 10 minutes talking about how I need to be careful and come back every two weeks for physio. I did listen... for about half a minute. Then I went into a bit of a daze. I knew what he was saying though. I'm just tired and want sleep. Then I had permission to leave with the huge knee brace and crutches.

I fell asleep in the car on the way home against the window. The drugs were still having an effect on my body.

"Quinn, wake up," I heard dad saying while poking me in the ribs.

I groaned in reply and sat up properly, grabbing my crutches and we got out the car. I crutched my way to the door and dad let us in. Neo was on the couch, sleeping. 

"I'm going to sleep," I said, going to the stairs. I stopped. For God's sake.

"Need a hand?" Dad asked.

"Yeah," I sighed. 

I held my crutches in my left hand and dad held me up as I hopped up the steps. It took a while but we made it up the stairs eventually with Neo staring us down from the top. 

"Finally!" I cheered. 

I made it to my room and went to my bed. It took ages to get comfy but I fell asleep really easily because of the anaesthetics in my system. I have loads of painkillers to take when I wake up. 


I woke up with Neo cuddled with me. It was early evening, meaning I'd slept most of the day. I ruffled Neo's fur and gently got him off me so I could get up. He jumped off the bed and looked at me. 

"What is it, boy?" I asked him, sitting up and getting my crutches. I got up onto my foot and we headed downstairs. Dad wasn't home, he'd texted to say he was somewhere with Corey and Sam. 

So I went into the backyard and sat on one of the chairs and texted Noah. It's 6PM now so it would be 9PM over there. He should reply.

Me: Hey!

Noah: Hey! How's the leg?

Me: Hurts a bit. At least I'm back at home.

Noah: Good. I miss you loads. I was so scared when I found out about you

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