Chapter 7

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The first two days I've spent with Ramsey, taught me, that he is all about his rules. Like really, there are the control freaks, and there is Ramsey. Some people get angry if you put your shoes elsewhere then where they're supposed to be - Ramsey is ready to fucking cut you if you move any of his personal belongings even an inch away from their correct position. 

I'm pretty confident using a mug now, I learned, that he is not so protective over the blue one, so I suppose that should be mine now. 


I walked into the kitchen, wearing a baby blue nightgown. It appears the blue things are mine in this house, and even though Ramsey never actually put that into words, I can only use the blue things, and I can't tell if that's hilarious, or utterly creepy. 

Pouring myself a cup of coffee, I enjoy the sight of the dark liquid. My dear doctor thinks only monsters drink coffee without milk or sugar, but I can't help it, that his taste is close to a Disney-princesses. 

What psycho drink cappuccino with 7 sugars? 

The morning seemed to be the time for me to be alone, and enjoy myself without the watchful eyes of anyone in particular - He never showed up before 10 am. And when he did show up, he looked like a vampire who just woke up from his 300-year sleep. I didn't really want to know, what was his actual job since he usually arrived around 1 am, and without a word he entered the bathroom, showering for a little while. 

Maybe he's a serial killer. Or a contract killer. 

With these really calming and peaceful thoughts, I made my way to the living-room couch and sat down with my coffee. I had the perfect view of the rising sun and the ocean. I couldn't say I never enjoyed the luxury, I suddenly fell into... Although I still have no idea about Ramsey's real intentions, the whole thing is strange... Not because he is weird (but for the record, he is weird) but because I can't quite figure out, what's in it for him. I mean yeah, now I live in an apartment I could never afford in my fucking life, but why is that good for him? 

Slipping away, I just stared at the breath-taking sight. I can't understand how is someone living here, and never waking up to see this sunrise. Ramsey works a lot, but mainly only at night. Maybe he really is a vampire, huh? 

Maybe he is selling me to some fat old rich pervert... Yeah, that actually could happen. As long as his fucking mugs are washed, and put back in the right order, Ramsey is fine like a cup of tea, regardless of the things happening around him.

But sometimes... I see him snap. Not always at me, sometimes when he's on the phone. And when he does, when that strange light appears in his eyes, making it darker than the deepest tunnel, I get the shivers. On the surface, he seems like a hard working control freak, who's a little cute from time to time... But I feel like there is something beyond that. And maybe, I don't want to know what it is.

What matters now, is how I get away. I have no reason to stay, but a dozen to leave as soon as possible. But since at the moment I don't have any plans for how I'll survive, I take my time with the escape. 

"Morning." his morning voice was a real head-turner. I had no idea why or how did he wake up so early, so I just stared at his tired-cat-like figure, as he walked to the coffee machine. His blonde locks were a mess, but it added to his boyish charm. As I said, he was quite the looker, when you weren't on his bad side.

"What demon could get you out of bed so early?" I asked in a cynical tone, continuing to sip my coffee. 

"School. Well... Not mine, yours." he replied in an almost joyful tone. I guess he already got his daily dose of sugar. I swear to god, he only runs on that shit, and I just can't get how does he look so ripped when all he eats is chocolate and coffee. 

Not like I ever checked him out... Khhm... Cut the tape.

"I'm not going to school. I've missed out a few years already, so..." 

"Of course you are, sweetheart." he grinned, which made me feel uneasy. Things he found entertaining were usually... Not.

"I can't follow you" I informed him tiredly, taking a big sip from my cup once again as if I hoped coffein will help me understand his words.

"I've talked with a few high schools in the last days, and we will visit the one that seemed the best to me. It's a nice place... I believe so." he explained quickly, drinking his coffee in a hurry, and with his free hand, he was trying to get a shirt on.

"I hadn't met anyone in a year... except you and Hanna. Is it a good idea, to bring me to ... a school?" I asked unsure of if I even wanted this. As I said I missed out a lot of things, and I would just feel incompetent in a fancy class.

"Normal people, go to school." comes the answer, which forced me to laugh a little. Yes, that's the point. I'm not normal, and I never was.

I was still kept in a prison 2 days ago. 

I sighed deeply. 

"This is a waste of time, Ramsey." 

"No it isn't." his voice somehow got firmer, and my body got a little nervous, so I glance at his face. His eyes were piercing into mine, informing me, this wasn't just an idea, nor something I get to choose. 

"You will go to school. It will be fun." he offered me a kind smile, but it just made my stomach turn. Something about that smile was off, something about him was off. His eyes told me there are really dark things, he hides behind that sweet expression, and I was terrified to see it. 

I nodded quietly. 

"So we will have to meet with the principal today. You should probably get dressed." his voice continued, in a gentle, calm tone, as he immediately washed his mug. 

I did the same, then made my way to my room, before we have to talk one more word.

Dressing up, I feel disgust and anxiousness creeping it's way up my spine. Every god damn cloth here was chosen by him, perfectly folded by shade from left to right - He only bought me blue stuff, which is lowkey creepy, so from left to right, from darkest to the lightest shade of it they are all presented to me. 

I begged for black jeans, but he refused even those. I sadly scan my collection, not because they weren't nice, but because this wasn't me. I wasn't a gentle, doll-like girl. I survived on the street, I survived at home, and I survived prison. I wasn't fragile, or cute. But most of all, I wasn't normal. 

I sighed, getting a baby blue top on with dark jeans. I spent a few minutes trying to get my hair in a messy bun, and when I succeeded, I hesitantly walked to my door. I didn't want to go to school... Now more than ever. 

I hear a firm nock, knowing who it was, I don't reply for a second or two. 

"I'll be there in a second" I promise weakly, wishing I could just disappear... forever.

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