Chapter 11

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Hey guys (and girls, and pandas, and everyone else as well)! I usually don't write any kind of author's note here and there before the stories, but I really wanted to say thank you for 1k (1.1k by now actually) and the positive feedback Y'all gave me. I'm really thankful for your appreciation, and comments and votes.

Lots of Love - Amnesiane

Never had I been in a boy's bedroom. I know that sounds strange, but let me explain;

I've only been in men's rooms. 

When you are around the street, you don't really meet any rich playboy. It's no big thing to just roll around in a bed for a night then go by and pretend it never happened. Nobody really wanted to get attached, and the only one you could actually trust was yourself. We were kids but... Well, I wasn't a kid for long there. 

So back to the room, it was... Just as I would imagine a boy's room. It was kind of messy, the bed was loosely made, a few shirts were thrown around, and the only table that stood lonely in front of the huge window was full of papers, pencils, pens, magazines, and open books.

Jason obviously wasn't here, and so I let myself in about a minute ago, but I will leave if he doesn't show up. I lazily ran my fingers through the thorn up bedsheet, wondering what kind of disgusting liquid could get on my finger just by touching it. I guess the blonde was gone by now. 

"Have I kept you waiting?" I didn't turn around fast, listening to the voice which obviously indicated, he knew all too well he kept me waiting. That is what rich, spoiled people do. Keep you waiting, like the world would stop for them.

"Yes. Indeed you have." I glanced back at him above my shoulder, but my smile died very quickly. 

"Amy... It's been long, hasn't it?" Jason. Of course, Jason. But what the fuck is he doing here? He can't live here.

I gaped at him, not really knowing what to react. His eyes weren't like before. They lost the last bit of kindness, or a sense of morality, that they barely, but held back then. The only thing I saw, was the cruelty which his frustration fueled as always. I remember how he kicked a boy to death back then. The guy was around 14 or so, and apparently, he called Jas out. 

"Since when are you living in a palace?" I asked after a while, which made him grin. 

"Lucky adoption. But I heard we share this blessing, don't we?" this was too unreal to be happening. I searched for any escapes other than the door he was leaning against. 

I found none. 

"I want nothing to do with you here... That life, that is over." My voice slightly trembled, which he hung upon like a hungry wolf on the sent of blood. 

"Is it, now?" he chuckled low and took a few steps closer to me. He would be unrecognizable if not for his eyes. He got more lean, taller. His hair wasn't messy, it was perfectly pushed back. An expensive dark shirt complemented his chest, with black jeans. 

But for me... I recognized the wolf, that pretended to be a sheep for too long. I remembered every little thing he did to people, the things he did to me. 

"It would be really unfortunate if anyone got to know, you just escaped prison." He suggested lowly, smirking non-stop. 

"Really? You think I can't take rumors?" I rolled my eyes, crossing my hands before my chest, backing off from him. 

"This is not a rumor, is it?" he rushed towards me, grabbing my wrist quickly and pinning it to the wall, pulling on my sleeves violently. 

As he recognized the fading scars, he grinned. Again. 

"You are crazy, you remember? You'll always be. Seeing you acting all high-school girl down there, I was so mad." he whispered harshly in my ears, hungrily. I could hear he was still angry for some reason "So mad, I could've killed someone. As you pathetically think, you can live this life. You are wronged, Amy. You are a sick, masochistic and weak. Don't dare to forget all the things you did." his grip got stronger and stronger on my wrists, as he leaned closer to my ears with each word. 

"I was chained up in a fucking cell for 1 year. I choked on my fucking blood Jason. You... you can't scare me anymore." I hissed kicking him where the sun rarely shines. He growled like a wounded animal and let go of my hand for a second so I went for the run. 

I felt my hand touched the doorknob, but I was harshly pushed into the wooden door. My face felt bruised, and I started to feel dizzy from the sudden contact with the stick and hard surface. My nose started to bleed, the liquid slowly crawling down to my lips. 

I swallowed weakly, realizing Jason is pushing my head onto the door, holding my hair tightly. 

"When girls say foreplay, this is not what they mean, Jas." I mocked him with a careless smile. He laughed. It sounded a little out of place, a little too loud, a little too entertained. 

"Talk about this to anyone, and I will turn your life into a nightmare. I know you think I can't. But face the truth; I know your buttons... Every each one of them, Amy." he growled into my hair almost possessively. My stomach turned "I like this you. The tough one. Watching you break down into sobs, will be much more fun this way." 

With that, he let go of me and I rushed out of the room. I didn't look for Lucy, I ran as if I was still back in the streets, followed by someone. You don't look back. You run. You run as fast as you can. 

I exited the huge house and rushed through the garden, not even trying to make myself look less just-raped-by-a-psychopath like. 

I took my phone out, and shakily pressed Ramsey's contact. 

Ring.... Ring.... Ring.

"Is it urgent?" I never thought this voice will calm me down, but now it did. I took a few unsure breaths in and out, then tried to speak up. 

"I... I need a ride." I said quietly. Silence for a while, but I heard Ramsey putting stuff down. Something heavy, probably made of metal. 

"Please don't!" 

I didn't know what to react to the ear raping sound of a man begging and shouting in absolute despair. 

"Ramsey...?" I asked slowly. I heard him sigh deeply. 

"I... I'm at work. I will be there in two minutes or so." His voice was tired and disturbed, but certain. I didn't have time to ask him, how does he know where I am, because he hung up on me before I could've clearly and fully heard another scream in the background.

Oh, this is fucking excellent.

I took a deep breath once again, not taking another step, just trying to make myself... calmer. My throat was so tight, I felt like I could choke without any sort of help. 

Jason wasn't the dark demon of my life, people would expect. Jason was someone, I thought I could save. The bad boy, that I wanted to change. The guy with anger issues, that I thought was cool... I felt safe because I was convinced, he wouldn't let anyone hurt me. He knew my demons, he knew my fears, my weaknesses. I gave it up all to him, up until the point he could play me like a violin.  And so he did. I knew it, but I couldn't leave. He someone made me believe I need him, more than I needed air. I made me apologize after he would hit me, or break something. He made me like the way I was powerless... because being the victim was somehow easier by the time. 

A loud sound pushed me back to reality. A car barely managed to stop right next to me. It was the dark gray Mercedes. The business car, I suppose. I slowly entered the car and fell into the front seat without a word. 

"You are bleeding." He announced. 

"I always knew you are a really smart man." I barked and cleared the blood from my nose with my hand. 

Ramsay didn't really appreciate my humor, to say the least. 

He drove us home in the same manner, he arrived for me. Above 300 km/h. 

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