Chapter 13

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"Don't freak out." Jason asked, in a tone that suggested he was already sure I will freak out. It would be hard to think otherwise, when you show a dead body, to a fifteen years old girl.

"What the fuck, Jase? This is... He is fucking dead." I didn't know what to say, staring down at Thomas. I didn't actually know much about him, except for the fact, that he worked under Jas's command, and that he was older than us... It didn't give him any advantages though, because he seemed to be mentally challenged. We never picked on him because of it, for he did what he had to: He was big and intimidating.

Now, he wasn't so intimidating, he was more likely... dead. Fucking dead. 

"Leave me hanging! He pissed me off." he shrugged, in a way that I just couldn't let it go. Would that be so normal, to kill someone? I mean... maybe beating them up, scaring them, but actually taking his life? The life of someone like us? 

I suddenly felt pity, and guilt at the same time, looking down at the brutally murdered Tom. Jason still held the knife he stabbed him with about 8 times. Twice in the neck, four times in his chest and probably after he was already dead, Jason stabbed both of his eyes out. I didn't want to say anything, I didn't want him to think I'm weak, but my legs were trembling.

"I won't help you cover that. There is no fucking way." I stated, raising both of my hands, showing my absolute disagreement.

His eyes got darker, and his smile wider. I backed off, not like I could've run away from him. I didn't know by the time, that it wasn't normal, that you have to treat your boyfriend like a wolf. That you have to be aware of each of his moves, watch when his teeth are showing. Carefully maneuvering, trying to be on his good side, because you have already seen what's on his bad one. 

He took a few steps in my direction. Since we were standing in a small alley, my back soon hit the wall, and so did his fist, next to my head. I imagine how much it hurt, but he kept on smiling nonetheless, leaning down to my face.

"You will lick up every inch of blood here if I say so. But I wouldn't ask such a thing... So just take his fucking legs, and help me out." He whispered on my lips. By the time, I imagined that to be what love should be like. Ride or die. I thought his possessive orders, and abuse is what love is.

"Jason... I don't want to be a murderer. I don't want to help you with this. But I won't tell...I promise." my voice was a mere murmur, but he probably heard it pretty clear. 

"Great! This is all the help I can get from my fucking girlfriend when I'm in need. You are fucking great!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. I swallowed hard. I didn't want to let him down... but this was... this one crossed the line.

I slowly looked down, on the body, and tried not to cry. I was better than this. Thomas probably deserved it. Everyone was a criminal on the streets, one less is nothing, isn't it?

"Okay... Where do we bring him?"

"Amy!" the sudden voice of Lucy, just completely waked me from gazing into the nothingness. 

"You weren't listening, were you?" she sighed a little offended.

"You were saying...?" I smiled weakly. She rolled her eyes in a heartbeat. 

"I said, I think you should ask Jason out for the upcoming ball... What would be a better apology for the party last week, than this?" she offered with a genuine smile. I broke out into a burst of laughter.

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