Chapter 16

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/Amy's red dress up there. Love ya all. <3//

I had a hard time keeping my eyes open. My eyelashes seemed to be made of some kind of heavy metal, that pulled them down every now and then.

But my body did me a favour and didn't let me fall asleep here. My back started to get numb from the rough chair I sat on for about three hours now. 

At first, I was more comfortable, but after I tried to escape, they tied me to the chair, which is quite unpleasant, to say the least. We were in an abandoned warehouse. Or it appeared to be one. The lighting was poor and it just added to the scary, bizarre atmosphere which seemed to be more suffocating with each minute I spent here, tied down. 

I quietly watched as a man was questioned for hours and hours before me. The cold woman just sat in front of him and kept repeating her questions. I didn't know why wouldn't they believe him, or who the man was for that matter. 

"This is useless. Bring the girl." the woman ordered. She wasn't angry or didn't seem to be. She was cold and ever so ruthless. Her eyes held so little understanding of human emotions, and so little care about those things, that it scared me. 

The tall, masked man next to me just lifted the whole chair with me on it and brought me closer to the beaten up man. I glanced at his damaged face and I was shocked. He was really... much alike Ramsey. He had a little less sharp of a jawline, more kind and soft eyes, and fuller lips, but other than that I could tell they were related. He seemed to be around 20 or so, but he was surprisingly okay with everything that was happening.

"Okay, Angelina, we will ask questions and you will reply to them honestly. When not, my friend George over here will push you closer to wish you were never born." she explained in an informative manner. My eyes betrayed no fear at all. I stared at her dead face without a flinch. 

"Do you know, where Eric is?" came the first question. I furrowed my brows, trying to make sense of the situation. 

"No. Are you guys doing this all to find him?" I asked quickly, but all I got as an answer was a sharp pain on my cheek.

She slapped me.

Bitchy much?

"When did you last see him?"

Well... the last time I've seen him, he was most likely going out of his mind. Other than that, he only left me notes, but I had no desire to share that with the woman in front of me. I just stared at her blankly. 

"I'm sorry, which Eric are we talking about again? " I asked apologetically, flashing her an ever so sweet smile. 

"Just let me make her more helpful." George offered, stepping closer to me. I shivered, looking up at the huge man, with that stupid, square jaw. He wasn't that kind of scary as Ramsey was, with his sharp eyes and observing expression, more like an angry gorilla that is pacing towards you. Brutal, dumb and painful.

I hissed at him like an angry cat would, showing my teeth. 

"It's fine." I didn't know why was she protecting me from the monkey in front of us, but I wasn't grateful at the slightest "When did you last see him? Did he say anything... out of place? Did he act, unusual?" 

If this bitch thought I will tell her anything I know just because she plays the good cop for me, she is very wrong. If anyone will hurt Rams, it's going to be me. 

Speaking of which... he is dead when I find him.

"Yes in fact." I nodded "he said I shouldn't talk with stupid bitches who think they are tough in their pencil skirts and itsy-bitsy shoes." I smiled. I heard the guy next to me gasp. He didn't seem like the type to talk back, that's true, but gasping seemed a little bit of an overreaction. 

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