Chapter 4 - You never asked...

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I woke up with the worst headache I've ever had in my entire life. It was as if someone tried to break my skull with a huge hammer, but would fail to do it. Again and again, it was throbbing so heavily I thought I can't take it for more than a minute. 

I winced in pain, trying to sit up, but my body felt even sicker than my head. Every inch of my body suffered, my skin was on fire, I was cold and I was sweating at the same time.

Silent tears left my eyes, as I tried to endure the unendurable pain. What is this? Why do I feel like this? 

" HANNA" My scream was so loud my ears popped painfully. I repeated her name a few times, but there was no answer, and I started to get quieter and quieter with every second, slowly slipping away from consciousness.

"Nana, Jesus Christ." her voice sounded distant, even though she sure was somewhere in my cell, for that I heard the lock opening.

I closed my eyes violently trying to faint so that I didn't have to feel this pain, but I just didn't stop being awake. 

Hanna did everything in her power to figure out what's wrong with me, but I couldn't speak, god damn it I couldn't even think. Without a second thought, I smashed my head hard against the stone wall, which finally brought peace to me, with additional bruises. 

It all became dark...

I didn't even open my eyes, I knew I wasn't in my cell. Everything smelled of chemicals and cleanness. Fresh, nice... Things that my cell certainly wasn't. 

As I dared to give it a peak under my eyelashes, I quickly realized I'm in a hospital-like place. It was white and bright... So damn bright I had a hard time looking at it.

The pain slowly started to awake with me, I felt my head getting heavier again, and it started throbbing just as bad as it did before. 

"You're lucky, you didn't cause much of a harm to your skull." A familiar voice broke the pleasant silence. I had a hard time focusing on him, but as my eyes found Ramsey in the corner of the room, in his usual lab coat, I felt some kind of hope creeping into my heart. He is a doctor, isn't he? He can help.

"It hurts. Doctor, it hurts so badly, I can't be awake." my voice was weak, probably because I didn't speak in a while... or maybe because it was a challenge to open my mouth.

He scanned me calmly, he obviously wasn't worried a bit. 

"I think I have a fever... But did you examine me? Do you know what's wrong with me?" the desperate words just escaped my mouth. My eyes begged for his help, my body begged for anyone's help. I can't take this feeling any longer.

"Of course I know. I was the one feeding you the poison." he stated a little confused as if this was really obvious and alright. Did he... Oh god, the cake. 

My head throbbed now not only from the pain but from the anger I felt inside. 

"You'll probably start coughing blood in a day. Of course, only if you refuse to answer to me." 

I closed my eyes, imagining all the ways I could kill him. All the damn ways I could torture him until he is nothing but a broken toy. 

"As for the first round, I'm willing to give you a painkiller, If you tell me your first name." As he was talking, I tried not to faint, knowing this shit will kill me sooner or later. I didn't want to cough blood, and I wasn't willing to die like this. Not like this, not by him. 

"Annie. Are you happy?" I threw it at him, but it seemed as if he didn't believe me. 

"Lie to me one more time, and the next time we talk is when you throw up your guts." the threat wasn't empty. That... certainly was something he would actually do. I was terrified but right now I didn't even have the energy to be scared. 

"Amy." I cleared my throat after a bit of silence " It's Amy, I swear... please... Make this stop, Ramsey..." I whispered, looking up to his cold eyes, knowing he won't refuse it when he gets to see me beg at his knees. I knew this was something he liked. I was willing to do anything if he makes this feeling go away finally. 

"Amy... Such a nice name for such a bad girl..." I sweat his words were erotic. I mean, they would've been erotic, If I wasn't dying from pain. 

It was strange to hear my name after such a long time. 

"Please." I repeat, not looking away from his cruel eyes. It was beautiful in a way, you had no way to look away. It was capturing, intimidating. 

He slowly made his way to me, grabbing a glass of water, and pulled me up into sitting position without minding my physical health. 

As he silently forced a pill into my mouth I didn't even contest against his strength, and just drank the water and swallowed the pill with it. 

I was really hoping, it will work faster than the poison did because that shit was sneaky. I slept like a baby at night. I was so weak, I felt ashamed of it. I wanted to punch Ramsey, challenge him for a 'till-one-of-us-dies duel or something like that, after what he did. 

I hated him so much, I could've sacrificed my freedom for all eternity just to kill him right here right now. 

"Why am I getting this death glare?" he asked as if he didn't deserve to be glared at. He certainly did.

"You poisoned me!" I shot back furiously. 

"Technically, you ate it willingly..."

"And you just forgot to mention that I will die from it, right?" I couldn't believe he had the fucking nerves to make a joke out of this... Altho the pain slowly slipped away, I knew I was still in danger. I could die in a day or two if what he says is true. 

"Well, I mean... You never asked." he smirked. He had the audacity to fucking smirk at me. 

I'm going to kill him when I get better...But first, I need the antidote. 

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