Chapter 9

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The next day, all my thoughts about joining the school without a big fuss, vanished to the thin air, as Ramsay drove me there, in his Tesla. Not like people weren't rich here anyways, but Ramsay was an appealing sight (or so I've been told, khm...), which people couldn't really look away from. He put me off, as if we were some high-class magical family, with dirty and dark secrets, and fancy curled hair. 

As I exited the car, I felt the need to live up to the image he just painted of us. It seemed easier to lie that than to tell anyone the real situation.

Calmly chatting school-uniformed girls walked everywhere... There were significantly fewer boys I suppose, so I don't know why was the principal so stressed about being obscene... Or maybe there are many lesbians, as there always are in these sorts of places. 

My way on the hallway was just as boring as in the garden. I already felt like this school is going to be a curse on my head, but I had no say in it. Ramsey was really obsessive and protective over the thought, that we would live as a normal family. I knew something wasn't right with him, from the beginning, but I started to feel like, it all roots from this strange obsession. Maybe he never got to live a life, where he... I don't know what normal people do. This somehow made me feel bad for him, knowing maybe my family sucked ass, but still it was a family. And I grew up, near families so I knew how it felt to be loved and protected. Maybe Ramsey never got the chance, to know the joy of dropping off your daughter at school... But still, it was weird.

"Watch it, would ya'?" the voice reaps me from my thoughts. It's high-pitched and unpleasant. I looked up, only to see a dark brown haired, tall girl. The uniform looked flawless on her, and her already pretty face was perfected with make-up. I cringed somehow from the sight. Would this be the popular girl, every-novel-ever warns you about?

"If you are not in my way, we never bump into each other." I informed her with a sheepish smile, then tried to just continue my walk to the classroom, but Ms. Perfect obviously had some other things to say.

She scanned me critically before opening her mouth again;

"You came with the hot guy, haven't you?" 

I rolled my eyes. Yes, I came with the serial killer sicko, but who would match this to dear Eric?

"Classes start soon..." I said impatiently, not willing to talk to this girl, even though so far she wasn't so bad. I just didn't want to be even near her. She seemed like the girl who fits in here perfectly

I waited for a long second, thinking she has something rude to say. She didn't have her minions around either, which was essential if you wanted to be a mean girl. 

After all, she opened her perfectly shaped, full lips again;

"Care to sit with me?" my face dropped. Why would she ask something like that of me? Just a moment ago she wanted to kill me for bumping into her, now she wants to sit with me. Probably because of Ramsey. Girls had these illusions (and so did boys), that if they befriend someone close to their crush, that will somehow higher their chances to get together with them. Bullshit. 

"I... " I mumbled, not really knowing what to say. I really didn't know anyone here, and a part of me was convinced, that this girl could show me around and stuff. But then again, I didn't like her. She didn't do anything bad, she was just way too good-girly. Glamour and grace were almost tattooed onto her forehead. 

"Oh, excellent!" she cheered grabbing my arm and dragging me along with her, as she continued to walk on the hallway. I didn't even say yes yet, but I decided I would just go along with it. 

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