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All the students were gathered into the main hall. It was no ordinary day, so it came as no surprise, that even the parents could and had to come in for today. 

There are not many kids who can even come close to understanding the concept and the depth of the announcement that was about to come, but that's nothing to be ashamed of since this was an elementary school. Yet, this announcement had to be made, there was no way out of it, such news has to be shared, no matter how unpleasant it might be. 

"Thank you all, who came today. I'm sure, you have all heard the tragedy that struck our school... The loss of Mr Gerose came as a surprise to all of us, and it's still hard to handle, but we found, that it is important for the students, to take part in the grieving."

The principal started speaking, and he was not interrupted much, or not by something he could hear. 

A small girl, with fair blonde hair, which she wore in two high pony-tails, slowly leaned to her classmate and whispered.

"Are you sorry for him?" 

The other girl thought for a second, then shook her head slightly, but she didn't seem so sure of her answer. 

"Not sorry... I guess. But I feel like I should be." she whispered back, and the blondie nodded, giving a small pat on the shoulders to her friend. She actually knew what she has been through because of Mr Gerose, and she wasn't slightly sorry for what happened to that man, her childish anger was enough to not make her think twice about her opinion on his death. After all, Nicky had to suffer all that much because of that greedy and creepy man. 

She shivered thinking back to the story that her friend had told her between sobs, so she focused her stare at the principal. 

"Are your parents here?" Nicky asked the Blondie quietly, making her smile a little. 

"Probably... My daddy said they'll be at the very back, so I can find them if the speech is over" she explained, glancing behind her as if she could see through the crowd. 

As the event went on, the two girls knew very well, that there will be a time, where they have to walk up to the stage with their class and place a flower on Mr Gerose's picture. Nicky didn't think much about it, she just didn't want to look at the picture, but as for Nana (Nathia, to be precise), she had other plans. It was a bad habit of hers to be worked up over almost everything, and especially if someone had hurt someone she loved. She knew how to run her mouth, to say the least. 

"So now, I ask the class of Mr Gerose, to come up, and place a good-bye gift for their headmaster" The principal insturcted, and Nicky gently grabbed Nana's hand, before they started to walk up to the stage, with the other kids, placing the flower they had in their hand, one by one. 

When it was Nana's turn, she froze. She didn't want to make a scene, although, she usually ended up making one. But that's not the point. The point is, that this man was evil, and he didn't deserve a flower from Nicky, or anyone... and if she walks by that, isn't that something bad as well?

"Nana, go on" The Principal urged her with a forced smile. He already assigned Nana as a troublemaker, and he wanted to get ahead of things before they escalate into something bad again.

The girl stared at her flower, then made a pissy face at the old principal, and grabbed a hold of the flower's head and ripped it off of her "gift". She took one leaf, then another, then another, until the flower was in pieces, and she threw that at the picture, proudly walking away from it. 


"This is not the first time, Nathia had shown such an attitude" the principal growled, slowly massaging his temples, as he raged on most politely about Nana to her parents. 

"Nana is not a malicious person, I'm sure you agree on that. She can be a little overdramatic at times, but if she wasn't willing to give the flower, there had to be a good reason." the father spoke up, in a calm and collected manner. No one could've denied, that they were the parents, after all, they both were fair and blonde, and the mother had fierce blue eyes, just as little Nana did. The only significant flaw you could spot on the mother's face was a vertical scar on her left cheek. It seemed to be old though. 

"Nana has a hard time following rules that make no sense to her, Mr Fore." the woman spoke up, in a delicate but almost mocking tone.

"Comes from her mother" the father added with an overly sweet smile, which earned a glare from the mentioned one. 

"Mr and Mrs Ramsey, I'm sure, that Nathia is a great girl, but her attitude makes me think, you allow her too much... Maybe teaching her some manners would help the situation." 

The parents were silent, their face not betraying much of a reaction other than boredom hidden by politeness. 

"Maybe you could come over to us, for dinner. We could discuss that much better, and longer, don't you think?" Mr Ramsey offered the principal a pleasant smile, but his wife shifted in her seat and shot a threatening glance to her husband.

"I don't think, that's necessary" she added quickly, with a short smile "I'm sure Mr Fore wouldn't fancy the kind of dinners, you organise, dear." 

Mr Fore could feel that there was something he didn't understand about the conversation, but nonetheless, he just nodded a little uncomfortably. 

"Well, anyway... I'm sorry that I had to bother you on such a day. What a tragedy right?" the principal stood from his place, and so did the other two now, seeing the opportunity to leave this damn office. The pair seemed to be well-off, the man wore an expensive suit, and they both looked elegant, in a sense, though none of them came in black, as it was required for the aforesaid event. 

Mr Fore had not much power over them, yet he hoped if he calls them in enough, it will bother them to the point of making their child behave. 

"Yeah... I've heard about the scene. What a violent crime... Such a pity, that Mr Gerose had to go in such an ugly way... The castrating and all..." Mr Ramsey agreed thoughtfully, as the principal escorted them to the door, and opened it, so they could step outside. 

"Sure a monstrous thing to do, but the police had found nothing, unfortunately."

"Too bad" Mrs Ramsey smiled gently "Well then, I hope you have a great day, Mr Fore" she added and with that, the three parted ways. As soon as the office's door closed, the two shared a glance, and both hid an amused smile, before making their way through the hallway. 

"You can't murder everyone who is rude to Nana, Eric," Amy informed her husband confidently yet quietly, considering the topic, and he seemed offended by that statement.

"That wasn't your highly moral opinion when it came to Mr Gerose if I recall correctly, sweetie" the other shot back with a cocky smile. 

"He was a child molester. Nana was in danger too, that's different."

"I'm sure it is... By the way, don't you ever feel weird, that I have been called into the Principal's office both because of you and because of Nana? Because I do." Eric chuckled, and the other just rolled her eyes.

"I don't feel weird, I just think to myself: "Oh, right, I've married a grandpa"." she stuck her tongue out, before leaving the school's building.

"And I am stuck with a kindergartener apparently." 

Oooookay, so I'm not sure if this ending will be liked or not, it's just kinda what I had in mind of their future, and so I wanted to let everyone have a glimpse of that. I hope you enjoyed the book, and this is the last chapter for it so, vote, comment, and thank you for being here!

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