Chapter 23

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/ Enjoy the chapter, and listen to the piece up there <3 It's a good cover, and I think even if it doesn't match the scene perfectly, it sets the tone ^^

vote and comment please <<3 and of course, enjoy./

Amy's POV:

"Rise and shine kitten" Ramsey's booming voice quickly wake me up. I hated when he's so gentle, I knew something was about to go very wrong, and I didn't really wanna know what it was this time. 

As I slowly regained my senses, I realized my blindfold is gone. I looked around to see first Ramsey's back, and someone... someone he was tieing to a chair. I shivered from the thought that he brought someone else here as well, probably to put that person through all that he put me through... 

What if he is bored with me? Will he kill me now?

"Kitten, why so silent? I brought you a present..." he kept on talking as I could hear the 'present' struggling while he tied him down. As Ramsey had finished fixing him up, he stepped away and went to wash his hand - that by the way seemed to be perfectly clean.

"Amy?" Jason's surprised voice broke my train of thought and brought my eyes to his. He stared at me in utter shock, probably trying to process the sight of my tortured body. Not that the cuts were visible from there, just how I looked in general. Broken, dirty, exhausted... Dying. 

I already had a terrible feeling about this, and I glanced at Ramsey, hoping for anything positive to happen at all. 

"I really want to clarify something here... You, Jason, aren't allowed to talk when I don't precisely ask you to. I don't mean to be so rude, but your voice makes me want to kill you both and kill myself as well. It's horrible... Like a strange chihuahua barking mixed with a scared, edgy teenager boy's voice." my eyes widened at his disturbingly precise explanation... what the fuck is going on in this man's mind actually? 

"If this is about Amy, you can have her. I don't care." he replied quickly, and I inhaled deeply because I already realized Jason is not one to help himself the way he should in these kinds of situations. 

"This is indeed about Amy. And since you could notice that she is locked up in my basement, we can agree that I kind of have her, right?" he replied in the most bored manner he could've, as he searched through his tools. I swallowed, struggling to say anything in the conversation. 

"Ramsey I don't care about Jason. Just let him go." I asked breathily. He glanced at me, his expression changing from bored to curious. He offered me a gentle, border-line psychotic smile.

"You don't care, but you, in fact, kissed me, just to save him... You don't care, but you drove him to the hospital, after dragging him across my fucking living-room... I believe you sweetheart." he retorted rolling his eyes.

"That's Eric's living room..." I quietly added, but it earned a chuckle from him. I didn't find it funny, I just wanted to clarify that. 

"I'm not a murderer. That's why I saved him." I stated weakly. His eyes turned away from him, glancing at Jason and giving him a wide grin.

"It's funny, how you and Eric keep saying that bullshit... But of course, it's my only purpose... to be the big bad wolf, isn't it? I have to do the things you two are too fucking not murderers to do."

We both went silent, Jason shared a glance with me, but I couldn't offer him any reassurance. Ramsey was clearly more out of his mind than usually... Eric wasn't a murder, that's why he said that...

"Eric would never kill anyone... it's you, who does that" I argued, as he turned back to his table to pick up a sharp, small blade. 

He let out a scary, dark, deep laughter, deep from his throat and I shivered. My muscles tensed, as his laughter got too long for comfort. 

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