Chapter 14

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"Hi." I barely whispered, obviously not even aiming to make Ramsey notice I'm home. I ordered Jason to take his shoes off then placed it on the right cabinet. That's where the guest shoes go. I had to learn that.

He gave me a weird look, but I didn't care.

"Nice house." he said, inviting himself in. He could've not been more surprised when he noticed a man laying on the couch with a book on his face. This is how Eric slept 98% of the times.

He slightly moved, and Jason and I both froze like we were about to awake a dragon.

"What part of 'I don't want your friends in here' did you not understand...?" He muttered from under the book, not even bothering to lift it.

"Uhmmm... well we won't bother much. Jason just dropped in." I cleared my throat then stepped to Ramsey and lifted one of his adored Kurt Vonnegut novels from his gorgeous and rather sleepy face. His eyes flickered to Jason immediately. He was uneasy around strangers, especially at home.

"Hi Jason." he said in a pleasant tone, which worried me. He even smiled at him.

"Good afternoon, Mr Ramsey." Jason offered him a polite smile as well.

Ramsey glanced back at me then set up. He didn't move like he usually does. Stiff, and planned. He looked more laid back, and his eyes were... different. Much like the way he was when I first met him in prison.

I couldn't quite get a grip of this strange feeling, but I let it go soon enough. Jason and I crossed the living-room towards my own a personal blue-city. I'm not kidding everything was blue... And everything was perfectly in place. 

"Cute... colour." Jason said hesitantly, probably trying to tell if I've changed a lot, or something is wrong with the room in general. I took a few steps inside, proceeding to let him look around quickly.

"Amy, Coffee?" I heard the loud question from the kitchen. I glanced behind my shoulder even though I couldn't see Ramsey from here. I... This is odd. Didn't we agree he won't make me things? 

"No..." I answered, then looked back at Jason. I didn't want to lose him out of sight. He pushed the door closed, then lifted his eyes onto mines.

"Stop being so distant, Amy. What are you so nervous about? " he asked with a cocky smile, taking a few steps closer to me. I backed off, but the back of my leg hit the bed, so I fell on it. I was never a clumsy person, and I hated that this had to kick in right now.

"I wouldn't call it nervousness. It's disgust. The unpleasant urge to vomit anytime I look at you." I explained quietly, with a sugar-sweet smile on my face. Jason stood close to the bed, placing two of his hand on my knees so that I couldn't stand up from my place. My heart skipped a beat, and my body was instantly alerted, to either fight or scream. 

"Let me go." I hissed trying to wiggle out of his grasp, but it was no use. I never liked when someone forcefully touched me. Or at least I don't like it anymore... and all I felt was pure hate, and disgust. I didn't want to be powerless anymore, especially not in his presence. 

"Why?" he asked in a mocking tone, leaning as close to my face as possible. I could feel his minty breath on my face. In fact, I knew that wasn't because of toothpaste, he just really liked mint flavoured gum. His dark orbs scanned my face, making me feel more and more uncomfortable with each second.

"Because if you don't, your blood will spill on the bed plus on Amy as well and that would make such a mess, now wouldn't it?" for a second, I was really surprised, the person who said that wasn't me, nor Jason. I slowly glanced at the door. Ramsey was leaning against the doorway with an entertained expression plastered all over his face. He had some strange darkness lingering around him, especially because he had that confident and wolfish smile in the corner of his lips.

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