Thursday June 29th

477 19 0

I woke up at 8 and got dressed. I ate breakfast and then went to PT. I did the same thing as Monday and Parker couldn't move my brace past 144. As I was leaving Jayme texted me and told me to meet her at the club soccer fields. I got there and as soon as I got out Aulds and Rand ran to me.

Rand: Vanna! Are you here to watch our game?
Me: yeah bud, so you two better do well
Aulds: we will Vanna!
Me: well go join your team okay
Rand: okay bye Vanna!

They ran off and I went over to Jayme.

Jayme: I haven't seen you in a week and I know Rand has missed you
Me: thank you for inviting me or well telling me to come
Jayme: of course

The boys started and watching U5 boys is an amusing game. Rand and Aulds both had a goal despite their team losing. They didn't care that they lost they just ran over to me happy that they both scored.

Aulds: Vanna! Did you see my goal?
Me: I sure did and Rand I saw yours too. I'm so proud of you two
Rand: thank you Vanna
Jayme: boys what do you want for lunch?
Aulds: chickfla
Rand: yeah! Vanna will you come too?
Me: sure
Jayme: alright, well meet you there
Me: okay

I got in my Audi and drove to Chick-Fil-A. Garvin parked next to me and we went in. I paid for everything while Jayme took the boys and the drinks to the table.

Meg: Savannah
Me: Meg! How was your cruise? I didn't know you were back.
Meg: it was amazing and yeah, I came in late yesterday, what are you doing here?
Me: eating lunch with Jayme and the boys after their game
Meg: those boys love you
Me: I know, are you here with Matt?
Meg: yeah, he's waiting in his truck
Me: well go, I'll text you later
Meg: alright bye Solo
Me: bye Meg.

I went to the table and sat next to Rand. Our food came and we all ate and talked.

Aulds: where's Brad?
Me: he is helping his dad at home
Rand: Duke too?
Me: yeah Duke is helping too
Jayme: have you been talking to Hope?
Me: yeah everyday
Jayme: good, what about your other family?
Me: no
Jayme: will talk about that later.
Rand: how's your boo-boo
Me: they're healing, I should be able to play in a couple weeks
Aulds: yay

We finished eating and then I said bye to the boys before heading home. At home, I set up my net and for the first time in 4 months, I touched a soccer ball on my own. About an hour of passing my phone rang and it was Hope.

Me: hey Hopester
Hope: hey Baby Horse how was PT?
Me: it was alright, I'm still at 144
Hope: do anything else today?
Me: yeah, I watched Rand's and Aulds's game today and then went to lunch with them and Jayme.
Hope: is my social butterfly coming back?
Me: a little, it's getting easier but Jayme also didn't really give me a choice
Hope: it should be and good I'm glad she did
Me: I passed a little bit today
Hope: how's your ankle feeling?
Me: good, a little sore
Hope: make sure you ice
Me: I will, well I have to go
Hope: alright bye SB
Me: bye mama

I hung and then went to the living room because I heard Brad pull up.

Brad: hey baby, how was your day?
Me: good, I watched the boys game and ate lunch with them after PT
Brad: oh good
Me: what did you help your dad do?
Brad: cleaned out the guest bedroom
Me: oh
Brad: yeah, talk to Hope today?
Me: yeah I just hung up with her
Brad: well how was your PT?
Me: it was alright, I'm still at 144
Brad: it'll move, but let's shower and then eat
Me: sounds good

Brad and I showered and then ate dinner. We watched TV and then went to bed around 11. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now