Saturday August 26th

400 18 0

My alarm went off at 6 and Duke and I quietly left. I got my brace set and then let Duke outside. I got back to my room around 7 and the girls alarms went off at 7:45. We got dressed and then went down to breakfast. We made our plates and sat down to eat while Anson talked.

Anson: we want to leave by 10 so we can arrive around lunch time. Let's be loading by 9:45.

Once we all finished we went back to our rooms to pack. We brought everything down and loaded up. I put Gossip Girl on my laptop and the 6 of us sat where we could all see. An hour and a half later we arrived at our hotel in Tampa. We got checked in and then walked over to Panera to eat lunch. We ordered and then the 6 of us went to find a table. While we ate I also let Duke eat.

We got back to the hotel and this time it was me, AK, Meghan, and Annie. We started our episode once Jessie and Jo joined us. Around 4 Hope called me.

Me: hey Hope
Hope: hey Baby Horse, congrats on your goal
Me: thank you, who do you play tonight
Hope: Portland
Me: ooh fun
Hope: what are you doing
Me: watching Gossip Girl
Hope: have you done your school work?
Me: Brad did since it was only a couple math things
Hope: okay good
Me: well I'll call you tomorrow
Hope: alright bye SB
Me: bye Hope

I hung up and then we resumed our episode. We went down to dinner at 7.

Anson: alright ladies, breakfast is at 8, small lunch at 10:30 and we load at 11:15. Make sure have all your belongings because we are not coming back to the hotel. The locker room had nice showers, I made sure. That is all and Baby Horse I need to see you when you're done.

Once I finished eating, I went to find Anson which was in the training room.

Anson: so, as you know we play at 1 and I had Derek talk to Dr. Hooker about your arm
Me: and
Anson: he said you can play at 90 as long as you get it back straight immediately after
Me: I can do that
Anson: good

I went back to the room and the girls and I watched Gossip Girl until we fell asleep. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now