Thursday July 20th

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I woke up at 7 and got dressed. We ate and then I drove myself to PT.

Parker: good morning Parker
Me: morning Parker
Parker: lets hook you up to the machines and then you can do some ankle strengthening
Me: alright

While I was hooked up I made a birthday post with photos from last night for Brad.

BabyHorse6: it's a day late but as you can see, it was a busy day yesterday... To my soul mate, my partner, and my best friend, I can't imagine my life without you. Happy Birthday my love! #19 #birthdayboy #BCE

Parker unhooked me and I went over to the wobble board. I did my sets and then I stood on one of the half yoga balls with my left while Parker threw volleys to my right. Once I finished those I did my elbow exercises. Parker helped me into my brace and we tried to get it past 152 but it just wouldn't go.

Me: it's been a week, what the heck
Parker: I know but I'll move in due time
Me: I know, well I will see you on the 7th and then I leave for college on the 8th
Parker: well I will see you then
Me: bye Parker.
Parker: bye Savannah

I went home and Brad and I had lunch. We watched TV until Hope called me.

Me: hey Hope
Hope: what is it with you and parties
Me: come on it was a birthday party and it wasn't even that big
Hope: we have differences about the definition of big, but that's beside the point. It was against my rules and you didn't ask beforehand
Me: seriously
Hope: yes I'm serious, your punishment is still to be determined but I will let you know at camp
Me: whatever
Hope: how was your PT?
Me: still at 152
Hope: what's your weight at?
Me: 108
Hope: not bad
Me: yeah, well I have to go
Hope: bye grumpy pants
Me: bye Hope

I hung up with Hope and Brad and I finished watching tv until dinner. We took Duke for his walk and then put in a movie before going to bed. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now