Friday August 18th

413 19 0

I woke up at 5:15 and got dressed. I fed Duke and then went to the training room. I did the stim machine and then my exercises. Dr. Hooker came over and my brace finally hit 180.

Hooker: any pain?
Me: yeah, a little
Hooker: it'll probably hurt more later so be prepared.
Me: can I play?
Hooker: yes, I told your trainer how to tape it, but you have to wait until 5:40
Me: alright.

I left and went to get breakfast with AK, Jo, and Annie.

Annie: it's your first game and it's our last first game its crazy
AK: it goes to fast
Me: I'm just glad we have a season together
Jo: amen

We talked for a while and then we all to my apartment. We got coffee and then went up.

AK: you are in charge of coffee on early morning trips
Me: fair enough
Annie: I love your apartment
Jo: seriously, I wish I had this
Me: thank you
AK: you have Mario Kart!
Me: yeah wanna play?
Annie: uh duh

The 4 of us played until lunch. We went to Buns and ate. Once we finished it was almost 2 and then girls went to their own places. I got my soccer bag ready and then let Duke eat while I called Garvin.

Garvin: Savannah Solo, I was beginning to think you forgot who I was
Me: of course not
Garvin: so how is college life
Me: so far great, but we don't have classes yet so it's easy
Garvin: well what are your days like for now?
Me: it's been running breakfast club in the morning, two a day for soccer and then cheer at night.
Garvin: that's a lot
Me: yeah but today is our first scrimmage for soccer
Garvin: seriously, what time?
Me: 6
Garvin: and you're getting to play right?
Me: yes, my ankle was cleared on Tuesday and my elbow hit 180 so I start my 12 and 12
Garvin: well my next class is about to start, but good luck and stop being a stranger
Me: thank you and of course
Garvin: bye Savannah
Me: bye Jayme

I put Duke's vest on him and then made my drink. I packed my snacks and then Duke and I went to the field. I parked and then AK came and sat with me. The vans pulled up and we all loaded in. We got to the Wake Med 30 minutes later. We went to the locker room and changed into our uniforms and gear. We had time to kills so we had a dance party. Anson came in and told us it was time to go warm up. We did touches and then went into stretches. We did a game of keep away and then went to shoot. My alarm went off at 5:40 and I went over to get taped. I took off my brace and slowly bent my elbow.

Me: shit that hurts

The trainer taped while Anson talked to us and gave the lineup.

Anson: Samantha in goal, Mya, Julia, Maggs, and Cannon is our back four. Midfield is Jo, Annie, and AK. Forwards are Jessie, Bridge, and Baby Horse.

My tape was finished, and I joined the huddle. We got our break and took the field. AK came up to me and told me to do a handshake and that she would explain later.

We got to our spots and the whistle blew. I sent the ball back to Jo. We kept it for a while until it went out for a throw-in. Mya won it and sent it way up for Jessie. Jessie caught it up to it and sent an early cross to me. I took a touch to separate myself from the defender and launched a rocket with my left. The ball hit the bottom of the crossbar and went in. Everyone rushed to me and jumped on me.

We set back up and Duke kicked off. We fought for the ball back and I won it off a failed pass and beat the keeper on the near post to make it 2-0 with 5 minutes left. Duke kicked off and lost it quickly to Jo. Jo sent a long ball over the defense and I chased after it. I brought it down and put it in the upper right 90. The halftime whistle blew, and we headed to the bench.

Anson: I mean damn Baby Horse
AK: your national forward is back
Me: whoa now

Anson talked about things to work on and then we went back to the field. The whistle blew, and Duke kicked off. It was a tougher battle than in the first half. With about 10 minutes left I won the ball and went to the left. I saw Jo making the run and crossed it. Jo, one touched a bomb into the back of the net. We all went to Jo and hugged her. The final whistle blew and Jo walked to me and hugged me. Her crying made me cry and then Anson walked over.

Anson: both of your first games back from injuries and what a game it was

We both laughed and then went to join the team. We shook hands with Duke and then went to the locker room. We changed and then loaded the vans back up. On the way back, I made my post.

Number one is, surprise Twin! I hope I make you #13 proud. Number two is that after 5 months and 23 days I played my first game since I endured the worst injury of my career. And number 3 is that I just finished my first game for the best University in the World! #GDTBATH

We made it back and it was almost 9:30. I put Duke and my stuff in the car when AK, Annie, Jo, and Meghan came up to me.

AK: going for drinks at He's Not Here and then probably Top of the Hill, wanna join?
Me: uh yeah, but you do realize I'm 19 right?
Annie: duh but look me in the eye and tell me you don't have a fake
Me: okay fair enough, we can get ready at mine and if you want you can crash there
Jo: perfect meet there in 20?
Me: uh make it 30-40
Meghan: boyfriend?
Me: yes
AK: ooh go get it girl

I drove to Brad's dorm and Kiley let me in.

Kiley: congrats on your game
Me: thank you, but I'm in a time crunch so will talk to you tomorrow
Kiley: fair enough, see you

I went up to Brad's and he let me in.

Brad: you had an amazing game tonight
Me: thank you but less talking and more celebrating

Brad and I got lost in each other and then came down from our high.

Me: I have to go, I'm having drinks with girls
Brad: call me if you need me
Me: of course, and maybe we can all go tomorrow
Brad: I'm down, but go before you don't leave at all
Me: I'm going, love you
Brad: love you too

I drove back to my apartment and Jo and AK were waiting. Annie and Meghan showed up and the 5 of us got ready. Once we were ready we walked down to He's not Here. We went in with no problem. We all got our drinks and found a table. The time flew by and we went down to the Top of the Hill at 12:30. We went to the balcony and looked down Franklin.

AK: you know when we rush Franklin your apartment is right in the middle because this is where its led
Me: I know, and I can't wait
Annie: to your 4 years Baby Horse

We toasted and then talked to people around us. The bar closed at 2 and we made it back to my apartment. I fed Duke and then showered before crashing along with girls. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now