Thursday August 3rd

448 19 0

Ali's alarm went off at 6:30 and Kelley and I groaned.

Ali: come on you two get up
Me: ugh
Kelley: same

Kelley and I got up and went to our room. We changed and then headed down to breakfast.

Dave: Baby Horse you're on my schedule today so come with me.
Me: but I'm hungry
Dave: I know but you have testing this morning
Me: ugh

I followed Dave back upstairs to the training room. Dave weighed me and then took my blood.

Dave: you're at 110
Me: more than I was last time
Dave: well let's get your exercises in before you go eat

I was hooked up to the STIM machine for 25 minutes and then I had to do my exercises.

Dave: alright go eat and then put your training gear on
Me: uh alright

All the girls were already finished eating and gone so I ate by myself. I finished and changed before going back down to the lobby at 8:30. Dave and I got in the van and then Paul joined us. We went to an empty field and track and got out.

Dave: alright I'm going to tape your ankle and then we're going to time your mile before we get into the fun stuff.
Me: ugh alright

Dave taped my ankle and then I warmed up. I lined up and then Dave said go. I ran the 4 laps and then Dave had a water for me.

Dave: 6:42, not bad
Me: what's Alex's
Dave: she hasn't run one recently
Me: Dave come on
Dave: 5:38
Me: are you kidding me
Dave: well come on, put your cleats on

I put on Alex's cleats and then went over to the goal.

Dave: alright you're going to start off going through drills and then shoot first
Me: alright

I went through all of the drills and then had a break. It was almost 11 and Hope was calling me.

Me: hey
Hope: Savannah where are you.
Me: with Dave training, I didn't get the chance to tell you
Hope: when did you leave?
Me: like 8:30, I'm not sure if I'll be back for lunch but I have to go
Hope: alright, bye SB
Me: bye mama

I hung up and then Dave sent in balls while I had to receive and shoot from the boxes placed around the 18. By the time we finished it was 12:20. I helped pick everything up and then went to the hotel. I followed Dave to the training room and iced my ankle while Dave set my brace.

Dave: 163, you're getting there
Me: yeah
Dave: well go eat, you did really well today
Me: thank you

I went down and everyone was already gone. I fixed my plate and ate quickly. I finished and then went up to my room. Kelley was gone so I just showered and then took a nap. My alarm went off at 3:30. I got up and put on jeans and my team jacket. I grabbed my phone and went to Hope's room. Kelley, Ali, Allie, Alex, and Tobin were there.

Hope: hey how was your training
Me: it was good, I ran a 6:42 mile and then did like 30,000 shots on Paul. Also, my brace is at 163.
Kelley: that's good
Me: yeah, it's alright
Tobin: when is your first game for UNC
Me: soccer is the 18th against Duke
Allie: oh those are the best
Ali: well come on let's grab our snack and load up

We all went down and grabbed a snack before loading the bus. I sat with Kelley and I watched Grey's Anatomy. We got to the stadium and went to the locker room. The girls changed and then headed out for warmups. I helped shag balls and then I stayed on the field while the girls went back in to change. They came out and did introductions and national anthems before taking the field.

It was Hope, Ali, Becky, JJ, Short, Allie, Horan, Carli, Kelley, Press, and Alex. We dominated the field and but only had Press's goal in the 12th minute to show for it. We went to halftime and Moe went in for Horan, Sam for Allie, and Dunn for Press. Sam scored in the 60th minute and then Alex scored in the 80th. The final whistle blew and we huddled up.

Jill: good game ladies, we did everything that we talked about and I liked the turnout. I know some of you are leaving tonight so good luck in your club games and safe travels. The bus leaves in 40 if you're not leaving.

Carli, Short, Moe, Press, and JJ all left to go catch their flights while the rest of the girls went around and signed autographs. Fans were calling for me but I headed into the locker room. The girls came in and got their stuff before loading the bus. We got to the hotel and unloaded. As I was walking to my room I was pulled back my belt loop.

Hope: shower and then my room.
Me: alright

I went up to my room and showered. I made sure all of my stuff was packed and then went to Hope's. Hope just got out of the shower and Alex was heading in.

Hope: don't think I've forgotten about Rachel but I want to talk to you about college first.
Me: okay
Hope: we've already discussed driving so that's out of the way.
Me: yup
Hope: partying
Me: really?
Hope: ah listen, I know you are going to party. All I'm saying is no drinks from strangers, don't be trashed, don't be filmed and don't be alone, deal?
Me: deal
Hope: now, I have people with eyes and ears everywhere. If anything happens I better hear it from you first, got it
Me: yes mama

Hope: good, now spill
Me: before you get mad, hear me out
Hope: I'll try
Me: Rachel is the Student Council President like Brad was
Hope: yeah
Me: well last year my house was where the senior dance was
Hope: it better not be again
Me: well
Hope: Savannah Blaire Solo!
Me: there will be chaperones, Justin's dad, and I'm not going to drink
Hope: I can't believe you!
Me: what's so wrong with that?
Hope: the fact that you're pretty much hosting a party for underage drinking!
Me: can you stop yelling and it's how it is Hope, but we have the Chief of State Police nothing is going to happen
Hope: you promise you won't drink
Me: I promise
Hope: fine, if anything happens
Me: I will call you
Hope: good, now let's watch a movie, I'm tired

As we got in bed Alex came out and joined us. We picked the movie The Breakfast Club and settled in. Alex and I were falling asleep so Hope turned everything off and started to fall asleep herself.

Hope: goodnight twins
Alex: goodnight Hope
Me: goodnight mama

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now