Tuesday August 8th

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My alarm went off at 5:30 and I got up. Kiley pulled up at 5:45 with her parents behind her.

Kiley: wow, today is the day
Me: I know, I can't believe it

The truck came and the guy loaded up all 3 cars and then went on their way. I shut everything off in the house and then locked all the doors. Kiley's parents drove us and on the way out I put the code in to close the fence gate which hadn't been closed in years. We went to IHop and met the Garvin's for breakfast. We all ate and talked about old stories from the past years.

Jollie: well girls we better go so you're not late

We said our goodbyes and on our way out I pulled Jayme aside.

Me: here's a key to the house and the gate code. If you could check in every once in a while
Jayme: of course
Me: thank you
Jayme: get going so you're not late and you better call
Me: I will

Kiley's parents drove us to the airport and we went to our gate.

Jollie: bye girls, be good
Tim: which means study more than you party
Kiley: yes, daddy we will
Me: we'll try

We all laughed and then hugged goodbye. Kiley and I boarded and then landed in Chapel Hill at 12. We deplaned and walked toward the exit. Justin and Brad saw us first and yelled our names.

Me: hey babe, how was football?
Brad: it was good, exhausting though
Kiley: well let's go eat somewhere
Justin: ooh Avocadoes just opened last week
Me: while we're on the way Kiley and I need to stop by Coach Walters office to get measured for uniforms
Brad: alright

Brad drove us to Coach Walters office and he quickly got our measurements and preferences on different things. Once we finished we went to eat.

Justin: how was your camp?
Me: good, I actually got to do stuff
Kiley: where is your arm at?
Me: 170
Brad: that's good
Kiley: so, after we eat we'll come help you organize until the truck gets here

We all agreed and then out our orders in.

Brad: so, did you get in trouble for Saturday?
Me: no, I told Hope beforehand. We argued but worked it out
Justin: was it a good party?
Me: yeah, it wasn't like ours but it was decent

We finished eating and then went to Teague Hall. We went up to the boys' room and it was surprisingly clean.

Brad: alright will you organize my shirts like you did at home?
Me: yes, I will
Kiley: and me
Justin: will you organize the games
Kiley: I did that before I left
Justin: yeah well that dumbass dropped them
Brad: guilty
Me: of course, you did

Kiley and I organized their stuff and then we watched TV until the truck came. Kiley's car was dropped off at Teague and Brad drove me and him to my apartment so my cars could be dropped off. I got the keys from Mabel and Brad and I started bringing things in. By the time my car was empty it was almost 8.

Me: so tomorrow can I borrow your truck so I can go get a mattress and two or three bar stools
Brad: yes, you can
Me: you can drive either of mine
Brad: I'll take the Rover
Me: alright

Brad and I unpacked the majority of my clothes and shoes before calling it a night. Brad and I drove back to Teague Hall and we went to Kiley's room.

Kiley: hey Brad, we need you
Brad: okay what are we doing
Justin: loft her bed and then moving them so McKenzie's is partially underneath
Brad: alright

I watched the 4 of them move the beds and then fixed the furniture around.

Kiley: perfect now McKenzie this is Brad Evans, Savannah Solo, and her dog Duke
Me: it's nice to meet you
Mac: it's nice to meet you too
Brad: so I know Justin and I have football from 6 to 11:30 but what do you have planned?
Kiley: cheer doesn't start until the 12th so I don't have anything
Me: girls start practice on the 10th but I do have PT at 7:30
Mac: we don't start until the 12th either
Me: well the 3 of us then can go shopping
Kiley: what do you have to get
Me: a mattress, bar stools, and food
Kiley: oh yeah Mac, I forgot to tell you. Savannah lives in the apartment above Starbucks since she has Duke
Mac: wait really! That's so cute
Me: yeah Anson has a lot of pull

Justin: well I'm exhausted so I'm going to bed
Kiley: alright goodnight babe I love you
Justin: love you too
Me: you going too
Brad: yeah, I love you
Me: I love you, goodnight
Brad: goodnight
Mac: goodnight guys
Both: goodnight Mac

Brad and Justin left so it was just the 3 of us

Kiley: so Mac do you have a boyfriend?
Mac: I did but we broke up halfway through senior year
Me: awe
Mac: how long have you been dating Brad and Justin?
Me: it'll be 4 years on August 20th
Kiley: and mine is 4 years on November 12th
Mac: wow
Me: so we're from West Point, what about you
Mac: Lake Forest, Illinois
Kiley: have you only played field hockey?
Mac: no actually, I used to play soccer and run cross county in high school
Me: I know how that is, what's your major
Mac: Psychology with a minor in Chemistry. What about you?
Kiley: I'm majoring in nursing
Me: and I'm Pre-Vet slash Zoology

We talked for a while and then ended up going to bed around 12:30.  

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now