Saturday August 5th

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I woke up at 7 and Lydia had breakfast ready for me.

Lydia: I know you don't need dinner but what about lunch?
Me: uh yeah, can you make it for 5
Lydia: yeah of course
Me: alright thank you

I finished eating and then went to PT. Parker hooked me up to the STIM machines and then helped me do my exercises. I put my brace on and we got it to 166.

Parker: you're looking good
Me: thank you
Parker: see you Monday?
Me: yes, you will, and then that'll be the last time
Parker: well I will see you then

I drove home and then started getting everything ready for the party. Rachel came over and helped set everything up and by the time we were done, it was lunchtime. Garvin pulled up and I went out to help the boys unload.

Garvin: I'm surprised Hope is letting you host this, especially after last year
Me: yeah, even if she didn't, I still would have had it
Garvin: oh, I know
Rand: can I come to the party
Garvin: this is a big kid party
Aulds: but we wanna go
Me: how about tomorrow we have a party with just us three
Rand: yeah Vanna
Me: it's a party then

Garvin: so, what is left to do?
Rachel: food and lighting
Me: also the kegs and my DJ station
Garvin: how many this year?
Me: just two
Garvin: oh good
Rachel: how many did you have last year?
Me: 5 and a half I think
Garvin: and they were completely out
Rachel: well it won't be as many people this year
Me: true

We finished eating and then Garvin helped set up the lights before going home.

Rachel: alright, I'll be back at 9
Me: alright, Justin's dad is going to be here and 9:30 to help with parking. What time are the other chaperones getting here?
Rachel: 9:45
Me: perfect

Rachel left, and I took Duke for a short run before hopping in the shower. I changed into my boxing outfit and then went to set up my computer and speakers. Lydia put the food out right as Rachel was coming in.

Rachel: everything set
Me: yup and thank you, Lydia.
Lydia: of course, I'll be back with breakfast at like 9?
Me: that'll be fine
Lydia: alright bye girls

Lydia left, and I put on music so I could test things out. People started arriving and by 10:30 everything was in full swing. The party lasted until 2 and then the student council officers helped clean up a little bit. Everyone but Sarah, Rachel, and Jess went home. The 4 of us went to my room and crashed around 4. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now