Monday August 14th

412 17 0

Brad and my alarms went off at 5, waking us both.

Me: god it's too early
Brad: I agree

We both got up and got dressed. I fed Duke and made my drinks while Brad grabbed us protein bars and a banana. We both got into our respective cars and left. I parked at 5:25 and got out. I ate and stretched a little. The rest of the girls showed up and we stretched a little.

Me: alright we'll go in a loop that is just over 3 miles. We'll start off at your pace but every morning we will go a little faster until we are at mine. Any question? No then let's get moving

The first mile and a half was a steady pace but two of the freshman started slowing down. I told them we were halfway, and they picked it up but struggled the rest of the way. We finished at 6:15 and got a cool down stretch. We got a snack from the grab & go and then I found AK.

AK: how was it?
Me: too damn early
AK: other than that?
Me: not bad except two of the freshies struggled the last half.
AK: what pace were you at?
Me: like 8 per mile, too slow for struggling
AK: definitely

We warmed up and slit into our groups. We were timed on pro shuttles and then switched to our weight circuit. We ended around 8:30 and got our break. I went to the training room and did my exercises. Dr. Hooker then moved my brace to 176. I went to the cafeteria and ate breakfast before going back to my apartment. I fed Duke and then Hope called.

Me: hey Hope
Hope: hey Baby Horse, how was your morning?
Me: it was good, I'm at 176
Hope: that's great and you're ankle
Me: it's great, no problems
Hope: that's good

Me: so I've scheduled out all football and soccer and with a total, I think, it was 19 flights. I'll only miss one football game
Hope: what about national team duties?
Me: not sure yet
Hope: well I'm glad that you're looking ahead for once
Me: rude but I get the point
Hope: well I'll let you go eat lunch
Me: alright, I'll talk to you tonight if I have the time
Hope: alright bye Baby Horse
Me: bye Hopester

I hung up with Hope and went meet Kiley and Mac for lunch. We ate and talked and then Mac and I had to go. I got to eh fields and out on my cleats. We warmed up and then went into drills like we did yesterday. We finished and then got our break. Dino called everyone in and we sat down. We all got a box with our gear in it.

Dino: open it all when you get home. Everyone should have a pair of cleats, two pairs of tennis shoes, 7 shirts, 6 shorts, and 8 shorts. Also, two jackets and two pairs of pants.

Before I could leave Anson called me over.

Anson: Baby Horse
Me: yes sir
Anson: how was this morning
Me: it wasn't too bad but we were at an 8-mile pace and halfway through 3 miles, Hannah and Abby were struggling
Anson: I thought it would be those two
Me: I'll get them there
Anson: of course, I'll see you tomorrow
Me: see you

I went back to my apartment and Brad, Justin, and Kiley were there. Brad and Kiley made chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls for dinner. The 4 of us ate and talked. At 6:30 Kiley and I headed out for cheer. We went in and warmed up. We started learning cheers for the football games. We did tumbling and then we were free to go. Back at my apartment, I fed Duke and then showered before going to bed. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now