Sunday August 13th

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I woke up at 6 and got dressed. I fed Duke and made my drinks. I went to the training room. I did my exercises and then went Dr. Hooker set my brace to 174. I went to the weight room and went in. We all warmed up and then split into our groups. We did a circuit while the other did agility drills. We switched and then Anson called everyone in. We sat down to listen.

Anson: tomorrow is the first morning of breakfast club which will led by Baby Horse. You are expected to meet at a mutual meeting spot at 5:30. Practice will start at 7. We will also be getting gear tomorrow so be ready. That is all.

We got a break and then we were free to go. Kiley met me at my apartment with breakfast at 9:30.

Kiley: how was soccer?
Me: it was good, but guess what I'm doing for the next month
Kiley: what?
Me: I am leading breakfast club
Kiley: which is?
Me: those who haven't passed their fitness tests join me for a 3-mile run every morning at 5:30
Kiley: that has got to suck
Me: yeah but it'll help me get back in shape too
Kiley: I could never
Me: AK said the same thing

We ate and then talked for a while. Around 1 I packed my stuff and Duke and I headed to the fields. We warmed up and then went into footwork drills. We finished and got a break. I met up with the other 7 girls.

Me: so do you want to meet at the weight room so we can just finish there too?
Katherine: yeah but Abby and I don't have a ride at that time
Me: I can pick you two up, what dorm
Abby: Grimes
Becca: oh I can take y'all I'm in Manly
Me: perfect, I will see all of you at 5:30.

We left and I went to meet Brad for dinner.

Brad: hey babe
Me: hey how was your day?
Brad: it was alright, what about you?
Me: pretty good, I have everything planned for breakfast club and we get gear tomorrow
Brad: how far do you have to run
Me: 3-4 miles
Brad: not bad
Me: nope
Brad: what time are you done with cheer tonight?
Me: around 9
Brad: ice cream and movie?
Me: definitely, I will see you then
Brad: bye love you
Me: love you too

I went to cheer, and we did a weigh in. I was at 110 and Kiley was 108. The other 6 girls were between 112-118. We warmed up tumbling. I only worked on my standing jumps to fulls. We finished and when Duke and I got back to the apartment, Brad was already there.

Brad: shower is already warmed, and everything is ready
Me: you are perfect, thank you

I showered quickly and then got ready for bed before joining Brad. We ate our ice cream and then cuddled together before falling asleep. 

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