Saturday August 19th

446 19 0

I woke up at 5:15 and quietly left. I went to the training room and did exercises. At 5:40 Dr. Hooker came to set my brace.

Me: ow that hurts
Hooker: I know it does

We got it to 180 and the pain wasn't as bad.

Me: is there a way to not do this at 5:40 in the morning
Hooker: we can push it to 6:30 but that's it
Me: thank you.

I went back to my apartment and it was 6:15. I laid back down until our alarms went off at 7.

AK: turn it off!
Me: I am, but come on
Annie: too early
Jo: what time is it?
Me: 7, we have stretching at 8

The 5 of us got up and I fed Duke while we all got dressed. We ate cereal and then I drove AK while Jo drove Meghan and Annie. We got to the gym and went in. We did warmups then the people who played spent the whole time stretching while the other did a weight workout. We finished and then circled up.

Anson: you have tomorrow of, great job again and I will see you on Monday

We got a break and then I dropped AK off at her place. I went back to my apartment and laid back down. About 2 hours later Brad came in waking me.

Me: hey babe
Brad: have fun last night?
Me: yes, I did
Brad: I'm going to shower and then we can sit and watch a movie while we eat
Me: sounds perfect

Brad showered and then we put on the movie Taken. We ate and then about halfway through Hope called.

Me: hey Hope
Brad: hey Hope
Hope: hey you two, great game last night Baby Horse
Me: thank you
Hope: how's the arm?
Me: hurts
Hope: does it hurt at 90?
Me: no but it throbs at 180
Hope: is that normal?
Me: Dr. Hooker said yes, and that if needed I could take my medication
Hope: well hopefully it'll get better
Me: yeah

Hope: also, how was your night out?
Me: oh uh how'd you know?
Hope: AK posted a picture so of course your fans reposted it and plus it was in your tags
Me: you check my tags?
Hope: yes, because you like to hide things
Me: anyways, don't you have a game today
Hope: yes I do
Brad: who do you play?
Hope: Chicago
Me: oh well I'm going to finish my movie
Hope: alright bye SB, bye Brad
Brad: bye Hope
Me: bye mama

I hung up with Hope and then Brad and I finished our movie. We got dinner and then brought it back to eat. My alarm went off at 6:30 and Brad helped me get my brace to 90. I changed and then I drove to cheer. We stretched and then Coach Walters call us in.

Walters: you will get your partners today and can start some basic skills. AJ and Ellyn, Noah and Macon, Thomas and Savannah, Rice and Cait, Nick and Abby, Garrett and Blair, and Mark and Kylie.

We split up and Coach Walters called Macon, Kiley, me and our partners over.

Walters: with your elbow, I don't want to not use you, but I want to make sure that either Mark or Noah is spotting until you are completely cleared.

We all agreed and then went to find space. We all took turns and it took Thomas and me a couple tries but I finally got all the way up. We worked on a couple things and then everyone got a cool down stretch. We were free to go, and Kiley and I went to my apartment. We took turns showering while the boys made popcorn and set up the movie. The 4 of us watched the movie split and ended up falling asleep around 12:30. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now