Thursday August 10th

452 19 0

Brad woke up at 5 and accidentally woke me up.

Me: mm
Brad: shh go back to sleep, I'll see you later
Me: love you
Brad: love you too

Brad fed Duke and let him out before heading to football. My alarm went off at 6 and I got up. I got dressed and went to the training room. I was hooked up STIM machines and then did my exercises. My brace stayed at 170 and then I was free to go. I stopped by the Grab & Go and got some breakfast sandwich. I went by my apartment and got my cleats and a coffee. I got the gym and parked. I saw AK park and get out. I got out and went up to her.

AK: Baby Horse you're here
Me: yeah, I got in Tuesday
AK: so, where are you at, playing wise?
Me: I'm shooting and passing but no contact
AK: are you cutting and sprinting
Me: yup
AK: yes! what about your arm?
Me: I'm at 170. When I get to 180 I'll have to do 12 hours straight and 12 hours bent
AK: for how long
Me: not sure but I should be able to play once my ankle is clear, regardless
AK: oh thank god

We made it to the rest of the girls and we all warmed up. We still had some free time so we were messing around.

Dino: you have 5 minutes alone and you're already playing around
AK: come on Dino you know who we are
Dino: unfortunately, yes I do, but split into Upper and Under

We did and then Anson came in.

Anson: good morning girls
Us: morning Anson
Dino: we're doing your 40's and Verticals today
Anson: Baby Horse, switch groups please

I awkwardly switched and then my group was sent to the turf side. Our group put on cleats and we went through a couple running drills.

Dino: alright seniors you'll go first, and we'll go by names

Once all the seniors finished, the juniors went. So far the fastest time was the senior Emily with a 5.2. I was the last one to go. I took off and went all the way through.

Dino: a 4.8
Anson: good job Baby Horse
AK: damn girl

We put on our tennis shoes and our group went over to weights while the younger group went to 40s. The girls did back squats and then we went over to vertical test. The highest was AK with a 25 and I had a 24. Once we finished everyone come back together.

Dino: good job ladies, we will meet back at the fields at 1:30, you are dismissed
Anson: Baby Horse come see me please

Anson: I go a bag of ice for your ankle, when we're at the field we'll have trainers but in the weight room we won't
Me: alright thanks
Anson: of course, see you at the field
Me: see you

I went back to my apartment and hooked up my wifi and printer to my computer. I got all my food information from Jackie and then went to get something to eat with Kiley and Mac. We got our food and then found a table.

Kiley: how was your workout?
Me: pretty good, we did the 40s and vertical testing
Mac: how'd you do?
Me: my 40 was 4.8 and my vertical was 24
Mac: damn you're fast
Kiley: you should see her when she's not hurt. It's ridiculous

We ate and talked until I had to go. I went to the field and found AK. I sat next to her and we put on our cleats.

AK: I'm going to let you in on a secret
Me: uh okay
AK: so every year, for the first week, none of the seniors talk to the freshman
Me: awe that's cruel
AK: but really fun, it also keeps hierarchy in check
Me: well what about me?
AK: we don't consider you a freshman
Me: thank I guess
AK: trust me it's a good thing

Once everyone showed up and got their cleats on, we warmed up.

Dino: alright we are going to the beep test. Up first is seniors and Baby Horse

The 9 of us lined up and Dino started the tape. We all started feeling it about the 40th. AK and I were the last two and she stopped at 60 while I stopped at 62. We got a cooldown and then sat down to watch everyone else go. Only two others had 62.

Anson: good job girls, I'm liking all of these results
Dino: we still have so more testing so make sure you are all hydrating and eating right.

We got a break and then headed out. I stopped by the grab & go and picked up a snack. I went to my apartment and showered. I fed Duke and then ate before calling Hope.

Hope: hey Baby Horse
Me: hey
Hope: how was your first day?
Me: it was alright, my testing wasn't as good as I wanted
Hope: what did you have?
Me: 40 was 4.8, vertical was 24, and 62 on the beep test
Hope: yeah, well you have been out the past couple months
Me: yeah I know it's just frustrating

Hope: I know it is, well how was your first night?
Me: well I wasn't alone so it was good
Hope: of course you weren't
Me: well I will be tonight
Hope: are you nervous?
Me: a little, but I have Duke
Hope: that's good, what time is it there?
Me: almost 4

Hope: well how are the boys and Kiley doing?
Me: Kiley and I haven't started cheer yet so she's probably a little bored, the boys are good and then Mackenzie started today
Hope: who's Mackenzie
Me: Kiley's roommate, she's a field hockey player
Hope: oh okay
Me: yup

Hope: have you talked to Claire or Megan?
Me: yeah, Claire moves in on the 19th and Megan moved in yesterday and they start on 12th
Hope: are they still dating Hunter and Matt
Me: Claire and Hunter aren't but Matt and Meagan are trying
Hope: how long had Claire and Hunter been dating?
Me: about a year and a half
Hope: awe
Me: yeah but they were pretty independent of each other plus it was mutual
Hope: that's good

Me: yeah
Hope: well it's almost 12:30 for me so I'm going to lunch
Me: alright I'll talk to you tomorrow
Hope: bye SB
Me: bye mama

I hung up with Hope and then set up my Xbox. I played for a while and then went to meet up with the boys and Kiley. We got our food and sat down.

Brad: how was your first day
Me: it was good, 4.8 40, 24 vertical and 62 on the beep
Justin: that's not bad
Me: yeah how was your day?
Brad: it was alright, we had weights this morning and then did field stuff
Kiley: what were your 40s
Justin: 4.3
Brad: 4.5
Me: those are good

We all ate and then just sat and talked for a couple hours. Around 9 we cleaned up our table and then headed back to our own rooms. I fed Duke again and then got ready for bed. I settled in and watched Netflix. Duke finished his food and then laid down next to me. I ended up falling asleep around 11: 30.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now