Thursday & Friday September 7th & 8th

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I woke up at 7:30 and got dressed. I grabbed my bag and then went to get Jo, AK, Meghan, and Annie's coffee. I went to the fields and parked. The girls immediately came over to my car. They got their coffees and we got on the bus. We got our seats and then I put on Gossip Girl. 4 hours later we stopped for lunch at Chick-Fil-A. We ordered and took it back to the bus to eat on the road. The 6 of us ate and continued our Gossip Girl episode.

We got to Penn State around 4:30 and headed to the locker room. We all put on our gear and then had time to kill so we did our normal dance party. We went out for warmups at 5:45. We got our stretches and then did movement drills. I got my shots and then went to get my elbow taped.

Anson: lineup is Sam, Mya, Julia, Maggs, Cannon, AK, Annie, Meghan, Jessie, Madi, and Baby Horse

We got the break and then took the field. Penn State kicked off and kept possession. We struggled to get and keep the ball. Our struggle showed when one of Penn State's forwards put one past Sam. We went to halftime 0-1.

Dino: you're not connecting out there because you're not communicating. Also, our speed of play is too slow. Let's pick it up and bring it home

We went back out and kicked off. We kept possession and in the 64th minute, I dribbled up and played Annie a through ball. The keeper came out and Annie put it past the keeper to make it 1-1. The final whistle blew and we shook hands before going to the locker room.

Anson: tough battle tonight ladies. It wasn't the result we wanted but it wasn't the worst. Let's learn from this and use it for the next one.

Once Anson finished talked, we went to load up the bus. We went to a hotel and got our rooms. AK, Meghan, Jo, and I set our bags down and then went to the conference room to eat. We fixed our plates and sat down. Jessie and Annie joined us, and we talked about classes. It was around 11:30 when we finished eating so we went to our rooms. The 4 of us showered and then went to bed.


Our alarms went off at 7 and we got up. We got our bags together and went down to breakfast. I let Duke eat while we ate and then once everyone was done we loaded the bus. 7 hours later we finally got back to UNC at 4. We got our bags and then went to our cars. I went to my apartment and Brad was there getting ready to make dinner.

Brad: hey
Me: hey Babe
Brad: long day
Me: yes
Brad: well I'm making chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans and rolls.
Me: awesome

As I unpacked Hope called.

Me: hey
Hope: hey Baby Horse, how was your game?
Me: we tied 1-1.
Hope: that's not bad, what are you doing tomorrow?
Me: Breakfast club in the morning, practice 10:30 to 12 and then have to be back at 5:30.
Hope: what color are you wearing?
Me: white again, boys are in blue
Hope: well good luck
Brad: thank you
Me: thank you
Hope: well I have to go, bye SB
Me: bye mama

I hung up with Hope and finished unpacking my bag. Brad finished dinner and the two of us ate

Me: you playing tomorrow?
Brad: yeah, I'll actually be starting
Me: Justin too?
Brad: yeah
Me: well why don't we clean up and then I'll give you some of my winning mojo
Brad: I like the way you think

Brad and I put everything away and then distracted each other until falling asleep around 11:30.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now