Wednesday August 9th

449 18 1

I woke up at and quietly left with Duke. I took Brad's truck and made it to the training by 7:25.

Hooker: Savannah it's good to see you the progress you've made
Me: it feels good too
Hooker: well let's get you hooked up and then we'll do some running on the treadmill. I ran for about 20 minutes before doing my elbow exercise. We tried to set my brace but it wouldn't go past 170.

Hooker: well I will see you tomorrow at 7
Me: yup, bye Dr. Hooker
Hooker: bye Savannah

I drove back to Teague and Kiley and McKenzie were up.

Me: hey are you ready to go?
Kiley: yeah
Mac: where are we going first?
Me: Ikea and then we'll go get groceries
Kiley: perfect

The 3 of us got in Brad's truck and I drove us to Ikea. We picked out 3 bar stools fist and then we went to pick out a mattress. I picked it out and then we went to check out. The employees loaded the truck for us and then I drove us to the grocery store.

Kiley: what are you getting because you can't cook Solo
Me: I know that I'm just getting basic things

We went around and got fruit, drinks, and some snacks. We checked out and were headed back to campus as Brad called.

Me: hey babe what's up
Brad: we just finished, where are you guys at?
Me: almost back on campus
Brad: alright well we will meet you at your apartment
Me: okay see you there

By the time I pulled into the small gated lot Brad and Justin were there.

Justin: alright Brad and I will get the stools, and you three get the food
Brad: then it'll be a group effort with the mattress
Kiley: alright

We brought those up and then we went down to get the mattress. I directed them up the stairs and then through the door. We got it in and into its place.

Mac: I vote that we go get lunch
Kiley: I second that
Me: and I approve, come on boys

We all got into the Range Rover and went to Sup Dogs. As we went in Anson and his wife came out.

Anson: Baby Horse, how are you doing?
Me: good, I'm 170 with my elbow and I've been able to almost everything with my ankle
Anson: that's great, well I won't keep you see you tomorrow
Me: bye see you

We got a booth and put our orders in. We ate and talked about our teams. We finished and went back to my apartment. Justin, Kiley, and McKenzie left so it was just me and Brad.

Brad: so how is everything with Hope and your dad
Me: Hope and I are good and my dad is the same as it was
Brad: well hopefully it'll get better
Me: yeah
Brad: so, new place, new mattress
Me: I like you're thinking
Brad: prove it
Me: you mean like this

I kissed him and slid my hands up his shirt

Brad: you're getting there

Brad and I kissed more and after our shirts were gone my phone started ringing.

Me: I swear if this is Hope
Brad: and it is

I answered Hope's facetime and sat on the stool.

Me: hey Hope.
Hope: hey Baby Horse, hey Brad.
Brad: hey Hope.
Hope: you didn't call yesterday
Me: yeah sorry I forgot, but I have almost everything unpacked.
Brad: and she has a mattress, plus food
Hope: yeah that's reassuring coming from you
Me: anyways... I'm at 170
Hope: that's good
Me: yeah, well we're going to go
Hope: uh huh goodbye SB
Me: bye Hopester.

I hung up and Brad and I continued before falling asleep around 12:30. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now