Thursday July 27th

482 20 0

Alex and I woke up at 7 and went down to breakfast. I fixed my plates and sat next to Kelley and Allie. Hope came down and sat next to us.

Hope: hey Jill wants to talk to you after your PT
Me: alright

I finished eating and then went to the training room.

Dawn: alright I'm going to have you do your elbow exercises now and then we'll do your ankle later.
Me: okay

Dawn hooked me up to the STIM machine. After 20 minutes Dawn came back and unhooked me. We worked on straightening and bringing back in. This time we were able to get it to 156.

Dawn: alright now quickly go put on training clothes and tennis shoes because you're joining Carli on her run
Me: uh okay

I quickly changed and went down to the lobby.

Carli: there you are, come
Me: have you already stretched?
Carli: no, we will outside
Me: okay

Carli: are you good with one and a half
Me: it's your run, you choose
Carli: two it is then

Carli and I set our watches and then started. Carli put headphones in so I just quietly ran beside. It was a slow pace so we got back in about 16 minutes.

Carli: good job, how's the ankle?
Me: good, it doesn't hurt
Carli: Savannah, you're not lying are you
Me: I promise I'm not
Carli: good, now go get ice
Me: I am

Carli walked off so I went up and found Dave.

Dave: ice?
Me: yeah, Dawn had me run with Carli today
Dave: that's good
Me: yup, well now I have to go find Jill

I got up and went to Jill's room.

Jill: Baby Horse how's PT?
Me: good, my elbow is slow but I went running with Carli this morning
Jill: that's great, well I wanted to talk to you about the game
Me: alright
Jill: everyone will be dressing out so that means you'll be on your own. You can be on the field for warmups but not after. You can go sit wherever you want, whether it's in the box or not
Me: alright, thank
Jill: but...
Me: yes mam?
Jill: let's keep in line, so no tricks or longboard
Me: yes mam of course
Jill: good, you are free to go

I left and went to my room. I showered and then got into my jeans and an old high school shirt. I grabbed my phone and went over to Hope's.

Hope: how was PT?
Me: good, I'm at 156 and I ran 2 miles with Carli this morning
Hope: still in shape?
Me: for the most part. I'm scared that I'm not going to be as fast as I was
Hope: you won't be right away but you'll get back to your 4.2, I promise. You'll just have to work at it.
Me: I know
Hope: well what did Jill want?
Me: she was just saying that I would be the only one not dressing so to keep in line
Hope: you better
Me: obviously I will

We went down for lunch at 1:30. We ate and talked for a while. Once we finished we went up to the rooms to change. Since I didn't have to I went to Hope's.

Kelley: so what are you doing for the game Baby Horse
Me: I'll be in the box after warmups
Hope: and staying there until the game ends
Me: fun

Once everyone was dressed we went down and loaded the bus. We got to the stadium and went to the locker room. Since I wasn't I wasn't dressing it was my job to be the DJ. The girls went out for warmups at 5:45 and once they ended I went to the box. In the box with me were corporate head supporters and a team staff member who was watching Cassius. I really didn't feel like talking to the guys so I went and sat in an empty section toward the top. Our lineup was Alyssa, Taylor Smith, Abby, Short, Kelley, Becky, Sam, Carli, Crystal, Alex, and Pinoe.

After the first half, we were down 1-0. The lineup coming back out was Alyssa, JJ, Abby, Short, Becky, Kelley, Allie, Syd, Press, Lynn, and Carli. Carli scored the equalizer and the final whistle blew having us tie Australia. I headed to the box to get Cassius before going down to the field. I Cassius to Sys and then went over to Kelley and Alex.

Kelley: god I miss you on the field
Alex: me too
Me: trust me I miss it too

As we were talking Hope walked over to us.

Hope: mind telling me why you didn't sit in the box like I told you?
Me: I didn't go far, I just didn't want to talk to the corporate supporters
Hope: alright, next time tell someone so they can let me know
Me: I will

Hope walked away and Alex turned to me.

Alex: I thought you were about to lose your phone
Me: yeah, I did too
Kelley: well come on, huddle time

We all huddled up and listened to Jill and Dawn talk. Once they finished everyone went and signed autographs before going back to the locker room. We loaded the bus and went back to the hotel. The girls showered and then we had a late dinner before movie night in Hope and Kelley's room. As soon as the movie started I was out. The movie ended and Hope just let me sleep with her. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now