Wednesday July 26th

486 18 0

Alex and I woke up at 6:30 and got dressed. We went down to breakfast and made our plates. The rest of our group came down and we finished eating before loading the bus. We got to the stadium and unloaded. The girls warmed up and then went into set pieces. Dave came over to me with a pair of cleats.

Dave: put these on
Me: they're not mine but okay
Dave: Dawn wanted you to get some passing in
Me: can we do long passing to work on my touches?
Dave: well work up to it

Dave and I passed back and forth. As we went we spread further apart. We got to chipping it and my touches were definitely rocky. We finished and then Dawn told me I could jog around the field. I jogged until Jill called training.

Alex: twin where did you get my cleats from?
Me: Dave just handed them to me and told me to put them on
Kelley: they don't have yours?
Me: no, they sent me all of mine like 2 months ago
Hope: well how is your ankle feeling?
Me: sore but good. Building the muscle back up is the hardest
Kelley: I hated it

We got back to the hotel and ate lunch. Dawn said she needs to see Hope, Alex, Moe and I, so once we finished eating we went to the training room.

Dave: Hope, shoulder exercises and ice, Moe ice the knee, and Alex exercises and ice the ankle. Baby Horse hop up.

I sat on the table and Dave hooked up my elbow and ankle. I did my exercises and then Dave wrapped ice around my ankle and then tried to set my brace but it wouldn't go past 154.

Dave: well we will work with it more tomorrow. You are free to go
Me: alright thanks

I went up to my room and showered. I put on a sports bra and my Nike shorts. I grabbed my computer and went to Hope's room.

Hope: I thought I was going to have to come get you
Me: don't get why I'm not just grounded to my room
Hope: so I can make sure you don't leave
Me: whatever
Hope: what was that?
Me: nothing
Hope: mhm

I sat on Hope's bed and checked emails. I put on Netflix while I texted Brad, Justin, and Kiley.

Kiley: what hall you guys in? I'm in Teague
Brad: we are too
Me: awe you guys, that dorm looks over Fetzer field
Kiley: we can watch your games from our rooms.
Me: speaking of do you know who your roommate is?
Kiley: yeah, its Mackenzie Mick, she plays field hockey
Justin: do you know when she moves in?
Kiley: she's already going to be there. She moves in on the 28th
Brad: I'm glad we're all in the same dorm, well the 3 of us
Me: I am too
Justin: how is your PT?
Me: really good with my ankle but my elbow is still struggling at 154
Kiley: could you play once your ankle is cleared?
Me: I think so, I'd have to ask Sloan
Brad: I wouldn't see why not
Me: I hope so
Kiley: well I have to go, bye guys

I watched Netflix until dinner. We went down and fixed our plates.

Kelley: so, are your friends staying in the dorm?
Me: yeah, they're all in Teague which overlooks Fetzer field
Allie: awe that's perfect
Alex: I still can't believe you're going to college and going to be a cheerleader
Hope: she's literally a rubber band
Me: a broken one currently
Kelley: like you can't do the splits right now
Me: let's find out
Hope: let's not

We finished eating and then went to Becky and Alyssa's room for movie night. Brad and I were snap chatting about what clothes he was packing for college.

Hope: Savannah, stop with the flash
Me: what I'm doing is important
Hope: I don't care
Me: can I go to my room then?
Hope: no and if you don't stop, I'm taking your phone

I turned off my flash but kept snapping Brad. The next thing I knew my phone was out of my hand.

Me: Hope what the hell
Hope: I told you to stop
Me: you said the flash
Hope: don't care, now shut up and watch the movie.

Since I had already missed the beginning I just fell asleep. The movie ended and Hope carried me to my room. Alex plugged my phone in and then went to bed herself.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now