Sunday August 6th

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I woke up to a phone call at 8:30.

Me: hello
Hope: how'd it go?
Me: seriously you woke me up for this
Hope: don't make me ask again
Me: it went fine, no tickets, no pass outs, and no DUIs. And I didn't drink
Hope: good, what are you doing today?
Me: I am going to Rand and Aulds soccer game, lunch and then probably dinner with them too
Hope: thought about when you're going to call your...
Me: nope and breakfast is ready so
Hope: alright bye Baby Horse
Me: bye Hope

I hung up and then woke the girls. We ate and then finished cleaning up the house.

Rachel: thank you so much for hosting
Me: of course, I hope you have a good senior year
Jess: thank you
Sarah: have fun at college
Me: I plan too

We all laughed and I walked them out. It was almost 11:30 so I quickly changed and then headed over to Garvin's. I parked and then went in.

Rand: Vanna!
Me: hey little man, are you ready for your game?
Rand: yeah!

Garvin and Todd came out to the living room with Aulds and Noah.

Todd: how was your camp?
Me: it was good, I made a lot of progress with my ankle
Todd: that's great, when will you be able to play
Me: hopefully in the next few weeks

We all got into the car and went to the soccer fields. The boys ran off to go warm up.

Me: it's weird to be in town and Brad isn't
Todd: how is he doing?
Me: good, he said the coaches were pleased with him and that he feels greats.
Garvin: does he like his dorm?
Me: yeah, he sent me a picture earlier

Todd: that is way nicer than when I went
Garvin: seriously
Me: they got a triple just for them
Todd: that explains it
Me: yeah, Kiley and I have to help them organize though
Garvin: that doesn't surprise me

We talked until the boys took the field. Both Rand and Aulds scored despite losing the game which they really didn't even notice. Once the game ended they both ran over to me.

Me: good job guys, I'm so proud of you
Rand: I wanna play like you when I get older
Me: I bet you can
Aulds: and me.
Me: yes, and you
Todd: alright let's go get some lunch

We all got back in and went to Tripp's. We ate and I colored with the boys. Once we finished we went back to Garvin's house.

Jayme: alright boys, bath time and then you can play with Savannah
Aulds: okay come on Rand

Todd took the boys and Jayme and I sat at the kitchen bar.

Jayme: have you started a college list?
Me: yeah on my phone, you can look through and add stuff
Jayme: other than bedding I think you're good
Me: yeah, I got some of the girls to help
Jayme: so, what are you doing with cars?
Me: I'm selling my 4Runner to my friend Spencer who lives in Malibu
Jayme: that's good, now what about your house?

Me: I don't know and before you say talk to my dad, I know. Hope has been harping me on it every day
Jayme: and what has she said
Me: well let's start with the fact that I haven't spoken to Chloe or my dad since graduation
Jayme: Savannah
Me: yep she said that but she also said that I have to pick up the phone and call my dad before I leave
Jayme: why don't you
Me: if I wasn't the one calling we wouldn't speak, like for instance the past two and a half months
Jayme: I get that but for now you need to forget about that and just call
Me: I know
Rand: Vanna! Come play trains with us
Me: alright I'm coming

I went with the boys to their playroom. We spent hours playing trains. The boys would make up missions and different stories for each train they had. Jayme called for dinner at 6:30 and we headed down. We sat and ate and the boys talked about their train missions. We finished and put our plates in the sink.

Jayme: alright go clean up your trains and then we can watch a movie
Aulds: Zootopia
Rand: no Sing
Todd: well see when you come back down

The boys ran off and I went up to help. We cleaned up and then went back down. We eventually decided on Zootopia. The boys were asleep halfway through so Todd just carried them to bed.

Me: well I better go I have calls to make
Jayme: well it was good catching up, I know the boys missed you
Me: I missed them too
Todd: Mike and I are still helping you load your car tomorrow night?
Me: yes
Todd: I'll see you then
Me: bye Jayme, bye Todd
Both: bye Savannah

I went home and finally sat down to call my dad.

Dad: hey Squirt it's been a while
Me: hey daddy, and yeah it has
Dad: so what's up
Me: what are we going to do with the house?
Dad: well it's in your name so it's up to you
Me: it might be in my name but you live here too
Dad: I know but I'm not home all the time so I could figure something out
Me: alright well I don't know yet
Dad: okay just let me know when you do
Me: okay
Dad: well I have to go bye Squirt
Me: by dadd...

I was cut off by him hanging up. I immediately Facetimed Hope.

Hope: hey Bab.. SB what's wrong
Me: well I called my dad
Hope: and
Me: well he said it's in my name so he didn't really care
Hope: he's just not as emotionally tied to is as you
Me: I don't get it, I mean yeah he's gone a lot but it's where his home base is and where his daughter grew up
Hope: I know but it's also the house he bought for him and your mom
Me: I know but him not even having a conversation with me just makes it worse
Hope: it does
Me: like does he even know I'm moving out on Tuesday
Hope: I don't know
Me: does he even care that I haven't played soccer in months or has he already forgotten like my sister has
Hope: they haven't

Me: then explain to me why they don't call, why they don't seem to care, why the only family members I have left could care less about me.
Hope: I can't explain it, but I know behind all of that, they do still care
Me: they surely don't show it, but I'm going to shower and go to bed
Hope: that's a good idea
Me: goodnight Hopester
Hope: goodnight Baby Horse

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now