Tuesday September 12th

414 20 0

My alarm went off at 5 and I got up. I got dressed and fed Duke. I ate and then went to the weight room. I stretched with the girls and we started our 3 miles at a 6:30 pace for the last time. We finished at 6:05 and we grabbed breakfast. I said bye to AK, Annie, Jo, Jessie, and Annie before heading to my study hours. At 9:30 I left and went to calculus.

Brad: hey did you finish packing last night?
Me: yeah
Brad: did you want to eat before we leave?
Me: yeah if you want to
Brad: we can do the Chipotle by the airport
Me: okay

We took our notes and then class ended at 10. Brad and I went to my apartment to grab my bags before heading to Chipotle.

Brad: do you want me to run with Duke?
Me: If you can and Mac said she would watch him while you're gone
Brad: okay

We ate and then we went to the airport. I checked in and said bye to Duke and Brad before going through security. I got to my gate and boarded. I landed in Denver at 4. I got my bag and then a US staff member picked me up. We went to the hotel and I was rooming with Alex in 412. I walked in and Alex was watching TV with Allie.

Alex: Twin! How's college
Me: busy but it's been good
Allie: I watched your games and you're killing it
Me: thank you and congrats on the championship
Allie: thank you

I got settled in and then Brad facetimed me, so I could take my chemistry notes. The class ended at 6 and I talked with Brad until he made it to study hall. Dinner was at 7 and Allie, Alex, and I went down. We fixed our plates and then Kelley came in.

Kelley: Baby Horse!
Me: hey Squirrel
Kelley: how's college
Me: busy but fun
Kelley: and Brad
Me: he's good

We sat and then Hope, Ali, and Ash joined us.

Ali: I saw you tied Penn State
Me: yeah, we didn't beat your precious team
Alex: but Cal beat you
Me: just had to say it
Alex: more like rub it in
Hope: watch it you two. When is your next game?
Me: football is Saturday at Old Dominion and then soccer is at Florida State. It's our first ACC. I'll fly to Virginia Friday night, fly to Florida Saturday night, and then join you in Ohio Sunday evening
Ash: by the time you get back to UNC that'll be 5 flights in 8 days
Me: yup

Dawn then came in.

Dawn: Baby Horse, come on
Me: Hope?
Hope: I'm coming, you big baby
Me: rude

Hope and I followed Dawn up to the training room.

Dawn: alright I need some blood, but I want to weigh and measure first.
Me: I know the drill

I stripped down to my sports bra and underwear. I stepped on the scale and it read 110. Dawn grabbed the tape measure and went around measuring and writing them down.

Dawn: waist is 22, hips are 33, and your legs are 37. Like Jackie said, very consistent. Let's get some blood.

Once Dawn took my blood we were free to go. Hope and I went to her room and Kelley and Alex were there.

Alex: so, how's the partying been?
Me: only been twice and it's been fun
Kelley: how are you and Brad?
Me: still good?
Alex: liking living alone now?
Me: like I didn't before

Hope: alright, On another note, how's the freshman problem?
Me: better I think? They've started talking to me anyways
Alex: that's good
Kelley: how are Megan and Claire?
Me: Megan loves Virginia and her season is going well. Claire loves cheering for LSU
Kelley: that's good, when do you play Virginia?
Me: on the 24th and I can't wait

We talked for a while before putting in a movie. Like normal, I fell asleep halfway through. Alex and Kelley fell asleep to so Hope just shut everything off and fell asleep. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now