Sunday September 10th

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My alarm went off at 5 but no one else heard it. I went to the weight room and the other girls showed up. We stretched and then I started at 6:40 pace. We went for three miles and then got a cool down. I went back to my apartment and showered before going back to sleep.

Brad and I were the first ones up at 11:30. AK and Meghan were next followed by Kiley and Justin at 12. Macon and Annie woke up at 12:15.

Me: I'm starving
Justin: me too
AK: ooh let's do Top Dog
Macon: yes!

We all agreed and went to Top Dog. We got a table and ordered.

AK: wait, you had breakfast club this morning
Me: yeah
AK: did you go?
Me: yeah, we did 3 miles at 6:40 pace
Annie: how, you drank the most last night
Me: yeah but I break everything down faster
Macon: even if I hadn't been hungover I couldn't run a 6:40.

We all talked and ate before going back to my apartment. Everyone got their stuff and left. I started cleaning up and I had half of the beer cans and the air mattress deflated before Hope called at 4.

Me: hey Hope
Hope: hey Baby Horse, party last night?
Me: uh yeah, my group went to Top of the Hill and then some of them crashed here
Hope: that's a lot of cans how many stayed
Me: 8 including me
Hope: oh okay
Me: yup

Hope: when are you going to be packing?
Me: tomorrow after Biology.
Hope: oh what about your study hours this week?
Me: I'll do 9:30 to 12:30 tomorrow then 6:30 to 9:30 on Tuesday and my flight is at 1.
Hope: is Brad driving you?
Me: yup

Hope: good, did Spencer buy your 4Runner
Me: yeah, I had Jayme unlock the gate, so they could pick it up
Hope: oh good
Me: yup. We'll I'm going to finish cleaning and then go get dinner
Hope: alright bye SB
Me: bye mama

I hung up with Hope and finished cleaning Brad brought over dinner and we ate. We both got ready for bed. We watched Grey's Anatomy until we fell asleep. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now