Tuesday August 15th

399 18 0

I woke up at 5 and got dressed. I fed Duke and made my drinks. I grabbed fruit and granola bar and headed out. I parked at 5:20 and got out. The other girls showed up and we stretched before starting our run. We ran at the same place, but I could tell it was already a little bit easier. We finished at 6:15 and got a cool down. I went inside and got a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich and a banana.

Anson: Baby Horse, good morning
Me: good morning Anson
Anson: I will be at your PT today, what time are you going?
Me: right after we finish
Anson: alright thank you
Me: of course

I finished eating and went to the weight room. We warmed up and then split into our groups. We did more agility testing and got a break. Duke and I got in the car and went to the training room. I was hooked up to the stem machines and then did my exercises before Anson showed up. Dr. Hooker had me do different ankle tests and then told me to hop back up. My brace stayed at 176.

Hooker: well I am glad to say that your ankle is officially cleared for play
Me: finally!
Anson: I want her to play this Friday, is that possible
Hooker: well I expect her elbow to be at 180 soon. That's when she'll be 12 hours straight and 12 hours bent. If she's at 180 by Friday and its timed right, I can tape her at 90 and she should be able to play.
Me: seriously
Hooker: yes
Anson: perfect that you

I was free to go so I picked up lunch and took Duke and I back to the apartment. I ate and then called Hope.

Hope: hey Baby Horse
Me: guess what!
Hope: that I am now partially deaf in my right ear
Me: oops, sorry. Anyways, my ankle is officially cleared to play
Hope: oh that's great
Me: also Dr. Hooker expects me to be at 180 and if so I'll start my 12 and 12 which means I can be taped at 90 and can play
Hope: play when?
Me: Friday

Hope: seriously?
Me: yes
Hope: that's awesome. Who do you play?
Me: Duke
Hope: man I wish I could be there
Me: you're in season, but thank you mama
Hope: are you ready to play?
Me: definitely
Hope: good
Me: well I have to go before I'm late
Hope: alright bye SB
Me: bye mama

I hung up with Hope and then went to the fields.

Anson: insight of our game on Friday and Baby Horse being cleared, we are scrimmaging

We all cheered and then we were split into two teams to play full field 11v11. AK and I were on the same team. We set up a 4-3-3 and my two wingers were Jessie and Taylor. Anson whistled, and I sent it back. We kept possession for a until it went out for a throw. Katie won it and sent it to me. I did a move and beat the defender and was 1v1 with Sam. I faked a shot making her dive right and then passed it in with my left. We set back up and played for another 10 minutes before we a water break.

We went back and Dino switched people around. The other team sent it back and we pressed. We won the ball in the midfield. I checked back and got the ball. I turned and then sent a through ball to Jessie. Jessie took it down and then crossed to me. I did a one touch volley into the back of the net. We set back up and the other team kept it. It went for a corner against us. Sarah sent it in and it was miscleared to AK who put it straight into the goal. Anson called the game and we all came in.

Anson: I saw some great things out there. I'm excited for this season ladies. We have everything we need we just have to apply ourselves and put in some work.
Dino: precisely put

We were free to go so Duke and I went to dinner with Kiley and then stopped at the apartment to get my cheer stuff. We went to the gym and went in. We did warmups and stretching. We did standing tumbling and then reviewed our cheers for the last hour. We got a break and then we were free to go. I went to my apartment and showered. I fed Duke and grabbed food for myself. I ate and then got ready for bed. I texted Megan and Brad until I fell asleep. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now