Wednesday September 13th

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Our alarms went off at 6:30 and we got up. Alex and I went to our room and changed before going down to breakfast. We fixed our plates and went to our table. We ate and then went to change for training. We loaded the bus and went to the stadium.

Dawn: do you need to tape your elbow?
Me: no not for practice but for games I tape and wear my sleeve
Dawn: I'll make sure we have a new white one in your locker.
Me: okay thank you

We warmed up and then did passing drills. We moved into offense vs defense before finishing with set pieces. I got ice and then loaded up the bus.

Hope: how's the elbow been?
Me: pretty good, I've been writing and doing everything else just like I used to
Hope: good
Me: yeah, I still tape for games right now
Hope: when do you get the brace off?
Me: I don't know

We got back to the hotel and I let Alex shower first, so I could FaceTime Brad and catch our calculus class. I took my notes and then Alex left and went to Allie's room. I showered and then headed to lunch.

Alex: how was class
Me: boring
Kelley: what was it?
Me: calculus
Ash: gross

We ate and talked for a while. Brad facetimed me at 1 for our chemistry class. I went up to my room to take my notes. Class ended at 2 and then I did my online homework until Biology at 5. After class was over we talked while he went to the dining hall.

Me: how was football?
Brad: it was good, I've been training as the number 1
Me: that's great
Brad: how's the team
Me: good, I've been asked so many questions it's insane
Brad: I figured
Me: yeah, how's Duke been?
Brad: moody, like normal when you're gone

Me: that's my boy
Brad: well what time do you land on Friday?
Me: 4
Brad: oh gross
Me: yeah, I know
Brad: well I'm about to walk in so I'll text you later
Me: alright bye I love you
Brad: love you too

I hung up with Brad and went to dinner.

Ali: caught up on school?
Me: yup, homework is done for the week and all I have left is my last 3 classes tomorrow
Hope: what's your GPA?
Me: 4.0 for now
Ash: that's great

We finished eating and Alex and I held movie night. We got ready for bed and then everyone started coming in. We picked the Maze Runner and settled in. I fell asleep and Kelley did shortly after. The movie ended, and everyone went to their own rooms. Alex shut everything off and fell asleep. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now