Saturday July 29th

465 23 0

Hope and I woke up at 6 and got dressed. We went down to breakfast and ate. We had some time before we loaded the bus so we just talked about the stuff I was bringing to college.

Allie: wait, you're bringing both of your cars
Me: yeah why not
Alex: how are you getting both of them there?
Me: Kiley and I are putting our cars on the trailer to be driven up there while we fly
Hope: you're not making the drive yourself?
Me: ha no, that's like 14 hours
Ali: so are you putting all of your stuff in your cars?
Me: yes
Kelley: what does Kiley drive?
Me: Mercedes, she got it for her 17th birthday
Allie: hold up you have an Audi, 4-runner, and a range rover, Kiley a Mercedes, and Justin I'm assuming drives something similar to Brad
Me: yeah, his is red
Allie: holy crap
Hope: tell her what your other friends drive
Me: oh Megan has a Beamer, Claire drive a Cadillac, Matt has a white truck and Hunter has a blue one.
Horan: are you serious
Me: yup

Hope: also, while we're on cars, we need to discuss your driving habits
Me: what's wrong with them
Hope: you speed and your music is too loud
Me: so
Hope: so, you're going to a new place and it being a college town you can't drive like you normally do
Me: you're overreacting
Hope: really, what's the highest volume your radio goes to?
Me: 60
Hope: Alex?
Alex: I guess 40 something
Hope: and Alex what's your cars top speed?
Alex: like on the speedometer
Hope: Savannah?
Me: like 145, and fine I see your point
Syd: how do you know that?
Me: one my town is small but Brad's grandfather is a state judge and Justin's dad is the Chief of State Police so every policeman knows, me, Brad, Kiley and of course Justin.

Sonnet: so how did all of you become friends?
Me: played soccer with Megan, cheer, and school with Kiley and Claire and then the 4 of us went to the same middle school. We knew of the boys but didn't meet them until high school.
Ali: wow
Me: yeah, we've been pretty lucky

We loaded the bus and went to the stadium. We got to the field and the girls put on their cleats.

Dave: Baby Horse, warm up with them

Dave threw cleats to me and put them on before joining the girls. Once we finished everyone went over to Jill while I went to Dave.

Dave: alright you get to do some dribbling drills today
Me: okay

Dave would tell me the different drills and then I would go through them multiple times. I finished and then got a water break. The girls finished but then Dave called me, Alex, Hope, Ali, and Kelley.

Dave: alright you four have a ball and Baby Horse you get in the middle. I'm going to call out a name, locate them and one touch back.
Me: alright
Dave: Ali, Hope, Kelley, Hope, Ali, Alex, Kelley, Alex, Hope

After a minute and a half, I was dizzy and out of breath.

Dave: good job, get your drink and then 5 of you go load up.

We got back to the hotel and showered. I got ice on my ankle and then went to lunch. I fixed my plate and then sat next to Kelley.

Kelley: you looked good with your passes today
Me: thank you, I just want to actually play though
Kelley: you'll get to

After we ate I went back up the room with Hope. While Hope read I facetimed Brad.

Brad: hey baby, how had your PT been?
Me: it's alright, I'm at 156 but I still have to do my elbow stuff
Brad: that's good, I also saw that you got to do some ball drills
Me: yeah, anyways how is your packing going?
Brad: it's going, I'm about halfway
Me: when does the truck come?
Brad: the 31st that way they should get there at the same time as us
Me: oh then you still got a day, how's your mom been?
Brad: helicopter mom, she keeps asking if I have this or does she need to get me that
Me: I figured, I'm sure your mom will do the same to me when I get ready to leave
Brad: oh she's already started, every other question she involves you in it.
Me: well that make 4 helicopters for me
Brad: Hope, Ali, and Jayme
Me: yup, thankfully two of them can't fly home with me

Brad: oh, speaking of, Rachel Marks wants to talk to you about possibly hosting the senior week rave
Me: what day?
Brad: either Friday or Saturday, do you want her number
Me: yeah, I'll talk to her
Brad: alright, I'll tell her that you have her number
Me: that's fine, well I better go
Brad: Okay, I love you
Me: I love you too, bye
Brad: bye

I hung up and went to Dave. My elbow was hooked up for 20 minutes and then I did my exercises. Dave was able to set my brace at 157 and then I went down to dinner. '

Alex: how did your PT go?
Me: one degree up, but I know its progress
Ali: it is
Kelley: so, when you do move in, is your apartment going to be completely empty
Me: yeah but I'm buying most of it when I get to UNC
Hope: like what?
Me: a mattress, groceries, school stuff, and whatever else
Allie: well make sure you make a list of what your bringing so you don't forget anything
Me: I will

We finished eating and then went up to our rooms to get ready for movie night. Hope and I hosted and within 20 minutes Kelley and I were asleep in my bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now