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An// thank you once again DizaFan23 for this idea!

David's POV
'3.....2.....1.....Happy New Years!" I connected my lips with Liza's, pulling her in closer to me. We pulled away after a few seconds:" Shall we go to the hotel", I smirked at her but she laughed, thinking it was a joke. I laughed to not wanting to seem desperate. But I was very desperate. Liza got back last night and we were to busy to you know 'do it' so we just had a cosy night in. But today we don't have anything planned and we can just leave the party whenever by saying one of us is 'tired'. The only problem is I don't know if Liza wants to do it tonight and I wouldn't force her.
It had been around '1hour' since I last asked Liza to go back to the hotel and I was even more desperate than before especially since she looked super sexy tonight. She was wearing a short, vest strap black mini dress with yellowish- patterns on it. Her coat was the only other bit of clothing that she was wearing: it was a long grey, blazer type jacket which went down towards the top of her boots. The boots that she had paired the outfit with where black, knee high. Her whole outfit showed of her curves perfectly and the little bit of legs she was showing was turning me on even more. I desperately needed her but I couldn't exactly go up to her while she was with Gabbie and ask 'oh Liza let's go to the hotel I wanna have sex' so I had to plan this out. Corrina and Todd have already left with Jonah and some girl so I couldn't exactly ask them to help which meant I had he options of asking: Zane and Heath, who were both drunk of there heads, Scott, who was to busy with Kristen to pay attention to anyone else, Alex, who was 'dancing' and talking to some girls' Nik, who was to small to help in any way so that left Jason. 'Great', I mumbled to myself. I was currently sitting on the couch by myself trying to get Jason's attention and after about 3 minutes of trying he came. "What do you want David, I was trying to get in bed with some of these girls", he spoke in annoyance at me, sitting down on the couch. "Okay, good! We're on the same page", I replied, facing Jason who was now very confused. "What you want to get in bed with one of these girls", he asked, very confused. "Who", he asked as if it wasn't obvious as it is. "Liza!" 
"God I forget how much I missed you Liza", I kissed the top of her head, my hand resting on her lower back. "What you just missed my body", she laughed, slapping my bare chest. "What body", I said jokingly, trying not too laugh but I couldn't help smiling. She gasped in shock before laughing along with me. "Your the one who just had sex with me David", she mumbled thinking i wouldn't hear even though I heard everything but I played along for her benefit. We were cuddled up in bed, both of us with our underwear on. I missed this, cuddling up with my girlfriend. The 11 days of us being apart made me realize how much I missed her and how much time I dedicate to spending with her. Suddenly Liza sat up, grabbing my hoodie from the floor and throwing it on before walking to the bathroom. "Whatcha doing?" I from the bedroom. She popped her head around the door to the bathroom: "I said I'd meet Gabbie, Kristen, Corrina and Carly and Erin at the bar for a few drinks", she walked over to the bed, collecting her phone. She had now dressed herself in a plain black mini dress. "What time is it", I asked her. She threw me my phone:" Check", she walked over to the bathroom to start doing her makeup. "Liza you realize it's 2 o-clock right", I asked curious as to why they were going for drinks now. "Yeah I know but the girls wanted to go out before we all get together again tonight, we're not gonna get wasted David, don't worry", she yelled back to me from the bathroom. I sighed, I really wanted to spend the day with Liza until tonight and everyone's there but I didn't want to stop her from having fun. I picked up my phone hoping that the boys were okay to hang out for a bit: get some vlog footage, maybe go down to the bar. I texted Nik, predicting that he will be up by now: 'hey dude, the girls are going to the bar du and the boys wanna hang'. He quickly replied saying that they'll meet in the lobby at 2:30. 'Great, gives me half an hour to get ready, plenty of time', I said to myself. "What's that babe", Liza spoke coming into the bedroom with a full face of makeup on. "I'm going out with the boys while your with the girls", I looked up smiling at her. Her smile quickly turned into a frown:"Ah baby I'm sorry, did you want to spend today with me. You should of said", She spoke with a sudden feeling of guilt. She began to walk over to me but i swiftly turned around with my back towards her. "Fine", she spoke firmly, the last thing I heard was the door slam shut. 'Shit', I said aloud, I didn't mean for her to get annoyed. I was deciding whether to go after her or enjoy myself when a text from Scott appeared on my phone:'you still alright to hang, if so meet in the lobby in a couple minutes'. I thought to a second:' Fuck it, if Liza can have fun then why can't I'. I replied with a see you in a minute before leaving the hotel room.
We had been out for a couple hours now and we decided to go down to the bar, the same bar where Liza was. I sighed deeply. Jason must have heard:"Dude you alright", he questioned.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine", I quickly answered, walking into the hat before the others. I needed to sort this out. I found the girls quite quickly in the corner, around a table. Liza's back was facing me so I could only see Gabbie and Kristen who were facing me. Gabbie noticed me and started nodding her head. I turned around, thinking she was telling me to look behind until I realised that she was telling me to look at this man who was sifting on a small round table with a couple of other blokes. At first I was confused as to why Gabbie wanted me to look at this bloke. She had turned to talk to Corinna so I couldn't ask why she wanted me to look at him and I saw that he was checking out my girlfriend. Liza. I instantly felt protective of her and put my hands into a fist. He kept staring at her, obviously liking the look of her. I really wanted to go a smash his  face in but I restrained myself. Suddenly the bloke got up with one of his mates to the bar. I waited a couple seconds and then I followed them to the bar. I casually stood next to the bloke that was checking out Liza and I already didn't like the look of him. First of all he looked about in his thirties, way to old to be checking out Liza. Secondly he was dressed very scruffy, just wearing a dirty white shirt with some faded black jeans and brown shoes. Thirdly he stunk of alcohol and smoke. "I saw you checking out the girl a minute ago", I spoke up still facing the bar. "What girl", he replied acting innocent. His friend had left to go to the restroom so it was just me and him. "You know exactly what girl", I spoke up slightly louder now and facing him. "Oh yeah that sexy one over there", he pointed to Liza smirking and that's when I lost it. I grabbed him by the collar and shoved him up against the wall. "You be careful how you speak about my girlfriend", I yelled into his face. The boys had suddenly appeared and so did this blokes other mates. Both of then tried to get me off him but I wasn't letting go until he was sorry. "What I can't help thinking she's sexy", he smirked again. I couldn't help it and I punched him. I knew it wasn't right but it felt good. The punch was hard, hard enough for him to be knocked out on the floor and abs bleeding noise. His friends quickly rushed to his side, one of them coming up to me:"What the fuck Is your problem dude". I went to push him out of my face but Jason and Scott pulled us apart. Once the man was gone the boys started asking questions."Dude your gonna get kicked out". "What the fuck is wrong with you". "Do you know him or something". They all started asking questions and I couldn't take it anymore so I pushed them out of my way and walked out. I looked at Liza on my way out who was looking at me scared and disappointed. I gave her an apologetic face and carried on walking. Once I was outside I breathed in the fresh air and began to call a taxi. "David, David", I heard a voice yelling and feet running behind me. Liza. I quickly turned around to be met with my girlfriend. I didn't know what to do so I pulled her into a hug. Her warm, sweet scent made me instantly relax. "I love you Liza, I'm sorry".
"David please just don't do that again okay", she said with worry in her eyes. I kissed her soft lips and pulled her into a hug once again.
An// Hey guys thanks again DizaFan23 for this idea im not sure if this is what your were thinking with your idea so I hope you like it! I might do another chapter we're David gets jealous because personally I love reading them ones. If you have any ideas please comment down below because I love hearing them.  Thank you guys!

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