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An//don't take this personal(@hrvy) personally I don't like Trisha don't @ me!
David's POV
"Babe are you ok?" I questioned my girlfriend who was currently pacing around my room, looking for one of my hoodies to wear.
"I'm fine", she mumbled a short response before carrying on to search for one of my hoodies.
I sighed before chucking her one  of my hoodies from the side of the bed where she was laying. "Here", she turned around just in time to catch it.
"Now come here", I patted the empty space in the bed where Liza once was. I saw her roll her eyes at me before reluctantly walking  over to the bed and collapsing on it.
I rolled over on my side so I could pull her into my chest. "What's up baby?" I've tried asking her what's wrong the whole morning but she hadn't given me an answer but I was determined to get one this time.
"Babe I've tol..", I knew what she was going to say and I didn't want to hear it again.
"No Liza I know somethings wrong, you can tell me anything", I reassured her, rubbing my hand up and down her bare arm.
"It's Trisha, I..I don't like her", she mumbled. I was confused and shocked, I was sure that they'd get on perfectly fine but obviously not.
"Why?", I questioned her, oblivious to what was going on.
"I don't like how she talks to you", she looked at me when she said that, making eye contact with me. "The way she compliments you", she mumbled once again. I smiled as I heard this, chuckling also.
"Ahhh baby are you jealous?", I teased her hoping she'd laugh but I was wrong as she got up off the bed and walked out the bedroom.
"Liza!" I called after her; running to catch up but she was already gone.

It was 10:00 at night and we were all at the boys house having a few drinks, hanging out. Well almost all of us.
Liza wasn't here yet and she hadn't bent answering my texts or calls so I have no idea whether she was coming or not.
"Yo dude, where's Liza?", Scotty questioned making me look up from the couch I was sitting at to the one on the other side.
"I don't know, she hasn't been answering her phone", I replied growing before checking my phone again.
"I'm sure she'll be here soon", Trisha spoke who was sitting with Jason on another couch. Ever since Liza told me how she felt about Trisha I've also felt different about her. And I knew I had to tell Jason soon.
"Look bro I knew your annoyed that Liza isn't here but you don't need to ignore my girlfriend", Jason spoke rather loud, almost like he was my dad and was telling me off.
I rolled my eyes before walking off into the back yard, attempting to call Liza again.
'Sorry I'm not available right now, try calling back later'.
I kicked the wall outside as I heard what must have been the hundredth voicemail I've got today.
"David what up?", Jason's voice interrupted my thoughts.
I ignored him and carried on attempting to call Liza but Jason had other ideas as he took the phone out of my hand, putting it in his pocket.
"Jason give it back", I shouted at him, I wasn't in the mood for games, especially with him.
"No David I won't until you tell me what's wrong", I knew Jason wasn't gonna give up and neither was I.
"Nothing now give me my phone", I tried to grab it form his pocket but he was too quick as my hand slipped.
"Jason I'm not playing around".
"Neither am I David now tell me what is going on", I knew that Jason wasn't going to give up and I couldn't be asked to keep playing games.
"If you really want to know, it's your fucking girlfriend that's the problem. Your fucking girlfriend, the one who made mine feel like shit because she can't keep her mouth shut.", I spat at him before walking out the garden leaving him dumbfounded.
I walked back through the lounge, everyone stared back at me but I ignored them and carried on walking out the front door and to my Tesla.
I speeded down the highway back to Liza's place, even though I didn't know were she was I'm sure she'd be there.

"Liza baby it's me", I called as I opened the door to Liza's place using the spare key I had.
My hopes were quite low until I heard the slight shuffle form upstairs giving me the slightest bit of faith that she was here. I took my shoes of, locking the door behind.
"Liza", once again I heard movement upstairs. I carried on walking to her bedroom to find her snuggled in her duvet sniffling.
"Baby", I whispered before sitting in the bed and pulling  her into my arms.
"Shhh it's okay".
"I thought something had happened", she said in between sniffles.
"Why would you think that?", I questioned as she was the one who didn't answer her phone.
"Trisha called me and said that you had a fight with Jason and that he was really angry and so where you at me", she explained, nestling into my chest.

"Trisha texted you that?" I was confused but most of me was raging. How dare she make my girlfriend cry?
"I'll be right back babe", I began to walk out to go and confront Trisha but was stopped by a clawing Liza at my waist.
"Please stay", she pleased at me, making eyes contact with her puppy dog eyes.
I sighed before placing her in my arms and falling onto the bed. W elated like that for a while, just enjoying each other's company; snuggled up in bed together.
"I love you Liza!"
"I love you David!"

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