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David's POV
"Liza can you come here a sec", I directed my girlfriend who was sitting on the couch in the waiting room to outside. She gladly got up from the couch and followed me to the outside area. "Look I need you to do something for me", I spoke very serious to Liza who was standing before me, slightly confused.  "What like go and get food or something", she laughed slightly as she said that.
"You need to kiss me", I spoke out of nowhere, completely airing her question before hand.
"Babe you don't need to ask", as she said this she pressed her soft lips on mine, ever so softly.
"Perfect, just like that but on camera next time", I proudly spoke before walking of with a smile on my face.
"What. No!", I heard my girlfriend shout after me making me swiftly turn round; walking to her.
"Baby please", I please her trying to grab her arm but she pushed it away.
"No David I don't want to".
"Oh come on Liza we've kissed on camera loads before".
"Well maybe I was uncomfortable doing that", she was standing her ground which was surprising because she never really disagrees with me.
"Well you should have said" I would be lying if u sad I wasn't annoyed because I was, very.
"You don't listen!" Her voice was slightly louder now.
"Oh so your saying I never listen", my voice had also grown at this point.
"Yes I am".
"Well maybe It's because your being selfish", as soon as I says those words I instantly regretted them. Especially since Liza had been working so hard lately, for her and did me. "Liza", I whispered trying to get her to look up at me but instead she pushed past me, nudging my shoulder as she went back inside. I sighed as myself before following her back in.
"Oi David, where've you been", Zane's loud voice echoed around the room interrupting me from catching up with my girlfriend.
"Outside", I mumbled whisky walking just to zane how was now standing with heath and Todd.
"Yo dude what's up", Todd must have noticed my odd behavior as he quickly picked up on it.
"I had a fight with Liza", I sighed looking to the floor, not wanting to face them fight now.
"Liza", I shouted as I spotted her from across the room, running over to her leaving the boys standing there confused.
An//P2 coming soon, 420 words!

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