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An// a lot of you wanted a part 2 to my recent chapter (I'm guessing smut?) but I really didn't like how it came out. So let me know if you still wanna see that and I'll try and get it better!
Liza's POV
My phone rang making me jump from the sudden noise as I was very quiet and concentrated on editing. Reluctantly, I picked up my phone only to see unknown number across my screen. I furrowed my brows together as I looked at the screen. I rarely get cold calls so this was surprising to me. as well as any unknown numbers. I looked at my phone one last time thinking that ' the number looks familiar' before it stopped ringing and I put it back on the desk.
I was halfway through editing when my phone rang again. It was the same number as before. I was beginning to get worried know. "Babe is that your phone", I heard David's voice say as he walked into my office. His eyes travelled from mine to the unanswered phone in my hand. I saw his face turn to suspicion as he grabbed a chair and sat next to me.
"You going to answer that", he questioned, making eye contact with me. I bit my lip before placing the phone in his hand. "It's rang before, a..and I don't know who it is". I slightly stuttered, trying to keep my calm. David managed to see the number was unknown before the noise stopped and the room filled with silence. "How many times has it rang baby?" My boyfriend questioned again, he seemed genuinely worried and concerned about me. I travelled my eyes back to my computer screen, focusing on the video I was editing; biting down on my lower lip. "Liza look at me", David whispered calmly. Slowly I turned my head to look at my concerned boyfriend. "I..i think it's my ex".
I hung my head down, not wanting to se my boyfriend in this moment in time. "Liza I."
I cut him off by saying: "David I'm sorry I know I should have told you sooner and I know that your probably annoyed right now and I'm sorry but I didn't knew what to do because I was scared and worried and I didn't want to concern you". As I was rambling I didn't realise that several tears had rolled down my face and my mouth had  become dry due to me speaking so much.
I was about to start speaking again but i was cut off by two warm arms wrapping around my shoulders. Pulling me into a comfortable, Cosy chest. My boyfriends. I snuggled into his chest that was covered by a black hoodie, sniffling has more tears rolled down my cheeks. I felt a hand in my hair, playing with it helping me relax. "Baby I'm not angry or annoyed at you, just please remember to tell me when something like this happens because I care about you a lot Liza". My boyfriend spoke in a calm voice making me relax farther into his chest. I mumbled a quiet ' I love you' into his chest not expecting a reply but was surprised when he responded with a 'I love you too'.
I pulled away from him, giving him a peck on the lips and mouthing a thank you before getting up and he sing to the door. "Where you going", he questioned.
"I'm going to take a nap if that's ok babe". I replied before walking off to my bedroom.
An// Might do a part 2. Let me know what you think!

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