Wound// Ch28

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An// idrk what this is tbh. Read AN at the bottom!
David's POV
I look up at the massive clock on the living room wall. 12:32. 12:32 and Liza still wasn't home. I had tried texting her and calling her but I had no luck. I even rang her manager but she has no clue where she was. At first I thought it was just bad traffic, that was 2 hours ago. I was worried and scared. I tried to think of the best like I always do but in this case I wasn't. 'What if she's dead'. 'What is some ones took her'. 'Maybe she was drunk and got in a car crash'. I shook my head: ' don't think that David' I thought. I had been up waiting since 9:00 so all I had time to do was to think. I called all of our friends, no sign. Her assistant, no sign. The bar she was at, no sign. Everyone I called had no clue where she was. I wanted to call the police but I wasn't sure when she was going to walk through the door. Gabbie and Zane went to look for her, driving round. Scott and Jason went to the bar she was at. Kristen and Corinna waited at the boys house to see if she was there. And the others were at there houses. Me. I just sat on the couch in the house that was quiet and cold not filled with Liza's voice and a cosy feeling. I was about to get up and drive off until I felt my phone vibrating. I jumped at the sudden loud noise that echoed throughout out the house. I didn't even look at who was calling me, I just pressed the green button and answered. "Hello!", I spoke hurriedly. I paced around the empty house, running my hands through my hair  and  biting my lip. Instead of a hello back I heard quite sniffing noises. It didn't take me a second to realise it was Liza. "Liza baby where are you?", I spoke into the phone whilst trying to stay calm. "24...apartment 24....Reagan.....", that's all I heard of her voice before the phone cut of. 'Reagan' 'Reagan' I said this name over and over, Knowing that I heard it before. Until i clocked it... I grabbed my keys and phone before running out of Liza's place and into my car. Apartment 24, sunset avenue, be there! That's were Liza Is! I texted the group chat quickly before racing to Liza. I knew I was over the speeding limit but I didn't care, I needed to get to Liza. Reagan's dangerous, god knows what he will do. I shuddered at the thought.
I pulled up outside the block of apartments next to heaths big red truck. "David where is she", Heath spoke frantically, slamming the door on his truck. I saw Zane and Gabbie clamber our the passenger side. "24...number 24", i panted. "Come on then let's go", zane spoke  as he began  to walk in the building with Gabbie. "No you can't", I spoke firmly. They looked at me confused: "Reagan he's...he's dangerous"? I spoke firmly. "What do you mean?", Gabbie questioned, walking closer to me. I looked down at the ground, biting me lip nervously. 'Should I tell her', I thought. "Tell me what?" 'Shit I said that out loud'.
"Look it doesn't matter just stay here I'll call you if something happens", I didn't give them time to reply before running of into the building. I heard them calling me but I don't listen, I needed to get to Liza. I ran up to the second floor of the block of three apartments, running down the hallway to find 24. 20...22...24! I knocked on the door firmly, clenching my free hand. I heard shuffling around in the room and some shouting before the door unlocked and their stood Reagan. I froze. I realized I hadn't planned this out properly, I had no idea what to do. "What do you want", Reagan interrupted my thoughts clearly annoyed. "Urm well I used to live here and I think I left something, can I come in and have a look?", I said the first thing that came to mind, not caring if it was stupid or not. "I don't think so mate", he went to slam the door in my face but I quickly stopped it with my foot. "Look dude, you better let me in or they'll be trouble". He looked at me with a confused face before changing to an angry one: "fuck off!", he spat and that's when I lost it. I punched him right in the nose making him fall to the floor. I raced inside the apartment, pushing the door open: "Liza! Liza!", I screamed knowing she was in there. "David what are you doing", I heard a familiar voice from behind me. "Zane" , I muttered annoyed. Before he got a chance to explain what the hell he was doing Reagan got up. His nose was bloody and his lip was slightly swollen but his angry expression still remained on his face. "You!" He shouted, running over to me. Zane grabbed him before he could throw a punch. Heath and the other boys had now arrived and were pulling Reagan away. I looked at the scum bag that was know pushed down onto the floor, he hurt Liza. Anger rushed threw me and I had the urge to punch him round the face again but I remembered Liza: "Liza", I shouted. Gabbie and Kristen had now joined me, shouting Liza's name. I opened the main bedroom door still shouting Liza's name. I was about to walk out until I heard quite sniffles my name being called. "Liza", I called, looking all round the bedroom. The sniffles got louder as I got  nearer to the bathroom. Once I got right outside the door I shouted Liza's name again, bashing on the door as it was locked. Liza's cries were much clearer now and I could hear the pain in her voice. She needed me but I couldn't get to her. I felt the anger rush through me once again and I started pounding harder on the door. It was creating a dent but that was it. I took a deep breath before attempting to kick the door down. No use. I was starting to panic, Liza could be severely hurt and I couldn't help her. I heard shouting and screaming come from the hallway. Reagan and Zanes voices were easy to make out. "Let me get to her!" I heard Reagan's voice shout. With all the power in me I kicked the door down. It collapsed to the floor revealing one of the most horrifying things I have ever witnessed before. Liza. She in the corner clutching her waist, her bleeding side. Her face was scrunched up in pain, her cries filled the room, much louder than before. "Baby!", I rushed to her side, ripping of my hoodie to press it to her bleeding side in an attempt to make it stop. She looked up at me, scared and worried. "David !" She whispered. I pressed my finger to her lips, hushing her. "Shhh baby, it's gonna be okay i spoke quietly, rubbing my hands through her hair with me spare hand and placing gentle kisses on her forehead. "Oh shit", I turned to see Heath standing in the doorway, blood dripping down his face form his nose. "Call an ambulance", I directed him. He stood there still for a second just staring at Liza's injury before grabbing his phone and calling the ambulance. Suddenly Liza cried in pain making my attention turn back to her. "It's gonna be okay baby, the ambulance is on its way", I placed another kiss on her forehead, rubbing circles now on her back. Instead of replying, she just nodded, sniffing slightly. "Ambulance is on its way, they said they'll be 5 minutes", Heath came back in the room, a bottle of water in his hands. "You hear that baby, just hold on for 5 minutes", I spoke to her softly. She gave me a weak smile, hiding the pain in her face. Heath whispered in my ear: "we took care of Reagan don't worry". I nodded at him mouthing a thank you. I turned back to Liza go see if she heard but she as too busy looking at my hoodie that was now covered in blood. Heath places a bottle of water by Liza's side before walking out to the others.

It was the longest 5 minutes of my life waiting for the ambulance to come, Well it felt like it anyway. So when I heard the sirens I breathed a sigh of relief. "Right baby there here,can you move for me?" I spoke gently to her. "Okay", she whispered, wincing in pain. I heard the paramedics in the apartment and Jason directing them where to go. After a few seconds, three paramedics clambered into the bedroom: two young males, one with brown hair and the other with light blonde and a middle-aged, Brown haired women. I'm Matt Thomas, I'll be helping you today,the blonde- haired male kneeled down next to Liza, taking off the hoodie  to clean the wound and the  bleeding. "Can you tell me what happened", he questioned whilst cleaning the wound and placing and giant band-aid on it. Liza winced in pain, squeezing my hand  but still  managing  to respond: "I....my ex", I squeezed her hand for support. She hadn't even told me what happened so telling the paramedics would be difficult for her. The paramedic gave Liza a sympathetic look before continuing to clean around the band-aid. "Right Liza if you could try to stand up, then we'll get you in the ambulance", the lady paramedic spoke also kneeling down to Liza's height." Liza nodded slightly before attempting to get up but failing miserably. She sighed in annoyance but I stopped her before she could try to get up again. Carefully I wrapped my arms under Liza's legs and around her waist, making sure to be careful of the wound and picked her up bridal style. She weakly smiled at me once she was in my arms and rested her head in the crook of my neck. I kissed her curly dark brown locks, smiling as I did so. The three paramedics walked in front of us, out of the bathroom, out of the bedroom and Into the living room where all of the guys where. "Liza", Kristen and Gabbie spoke, rushing over to see if she was okay. I knew Liza wouldn't want to speak so I replied for her: "she's okay, meet us in the general hospital". They nodded back at me before I walked off down the hall and out the door, holding Liza in my arms tightly. "Thank you!", she spoke slightly. I looked down at her chuckling slightly "baby your my girlfriend, of course I'm going to look after you", I spoke. "I love you!"
"I love you too Liza!"
An// I'm so sorry if this chapter is all over the place, I didn't really know what to write today so please comment requests! Anything to do with Diza but preferably not when they were in high School. Thank you so much for your constant love and support loves!!

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