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An//This chapter is an idea that notsodobrik gave me and is helped written with Adorablediza - thank you guys!
David's POV
"David", Liza shouted from the bathroom. "I'm going to meet some of my friends in Starbucks, wanna come", she spoke as she walked into the bedroom. "Uh yeah sure", I replied, quite nervous. "Don't be worried", Liza said obviously noticing my nervousness. She kissed my lips before going back into the bathroom. We were currently in Houston, in Liza's old home as we were staying here for a couple of days. Liza wanted to introduce me to a couple of her friends from high school and to he honest I was quite nervous. I'm not sure why though because I never really get nervous meeting new people so I guess we'll just see how this goes. I swiftly got up of the bed that I was laying on, editing for the last couple hours to the bathroom were Liza was putting her eyebrows on. She looked at me through the mirror as I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissing the back of my neck. I carried on like this until Liza had finished her makeup and decided it was time to leave. "Right let's go", she turned around to face me, placed a gentle kiss on my lips before running into the living room to get her phone, bag and shoes. I fixed my hair and placed my hat back on, then followed Liza to the bedroom door.
"I'm David".
I shook Liza's friends hand trying to be as nice as possible. I also met: Jai, Sam and Callum all of which were boys. My 'protective boyfriend' instincts instantly kicked in even though I knew they were just friends. We were currently in six as we didn't feel like going Starbucks's. We got seated in the corner in a booth, Liza was in the middle of me and Ben, Jai, Sam and Callum sat on the other side. Ben started to shift nearer towards Liza probably so he wasn't hanging off the edge of the seat but I though differently and placed my arm around Liza's waist, pulling her towards me slowly. She looked up at me weirdly before looking down at the menu. My hand was still tightly wrapped around Liza's waist until are food came and I had to let go.
Around halfway throughout the dinner Liza started to make conversation with Ben. Ben. I don't know why but I really dislike him, I just get a weird vibe. It doesn't make it easier when he is constantly talking to Liza and so close to her that they're nearly touching. "We should go out to the club tonight", I heard Ben say. I instantly let go of my cutlery and interrupted their conversation: "Me and Liza are actually going out the tonight". She turned to look at me confused. I only did it because I knew Liza hates clubs and she always gets anxiety about them. "Oh yeah", she said acting surprised and playing along. "Oh okay", Ben said, staring at me annoyed. "David can we talk", Ben asked me getting up out the booth. "Urm yeah sure", I place my fork down on my plate and asked Liza to get up so I can talk to Ben.
"What do you want to talk about", I said quite firmly, getting to the point.
"I want you to stop being such a clingy fucking boyfriend and let Liza do what she wants", he shouted back in my face before walking back to our table. I clenched my fists, taking deep breaths and walked back in also.
I gave him a sharp glare before I sat down next to Liza on the end this time as Ben was in my seat. I felt Liza's hand on my arm, rubbing up and down which was calming me down slightly. I smiled down at her until Ben spoke up again. "So Liza are you free tommorow", the other boys spoke up obviously sensing the tension and trying to ease it. "Urm I'm not sure,I'll let you guys know tommorow", she replied, taking a sip of her drink. "David will probably not want you to come out", Ben pipes up and laughing sarcastically. I laughed it off for Liza's benefit but inside i was raging.
It was at the end of the meal and Liza was saying her goodbyes to the boys:"Hope to see you soon, you know of your aloud too". Ben shot me a dig and I couldn't take it anymore:"Oh fuck off twat". He looked up at me smirking, and laughing that he got me angry. "Ben forgodsake", Liza said annoyed before pulling us both away to her car and getting. She didn't even wait for me to put my seatbelt on before she went speeding out the parking lot.
We had been back at Liza's family home for a few hours now and Liza hasn't spoken to me once even when I tried to talk to her. "Liza baby I know I've said I'm sorry so many times now but I truly am so please don't ignore me", I spoke to her, sitting at the edge of the bed while she sat on her laptop. "David don't be sorry", she looked up at me and closed her laptop. Before I had a chance to respond she spoke again:"I'm just sad that some of my best friends and my boyfriend couldn't get along, specifically Ben", she chuckled slightly at the last part which made me smile. "I just got a bad vibe from him I'm sorry", I got closer to her now, sitting by he side. "Don't say sorry again", she looked up at me, putting a finger to my lips. "I won't", I whispered before we both leaned in so our lips could meet.
An//Hey guys sorry this is late but I've been so busy recently and wattpad has been playing up so sorry! I found this chapter really hard to write so please let me know what you think. Also leave requests, thanks loves.

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