Valentines //Ch36

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An// Question asked by lizadaviddobrik ~when did you decide to start writing on Wattpad?~ I started writing around 3 months ago as I've always had a passion for writing and I absolutely love David and Liza so I thought I would combine the two. Comment more questions below!! And requests!
David's POV
"What do you mean you can't make it babe it's Valentine's Day"? I spoke into the phone at my girlfriend. "I'm really sorry bubs but I'm busy right now. I'll see you in a couple days", Liza replied before hanging up.
'Ugh', I shouted, bashing my hand on the wall.
"Woah, woah chill dude", Scott spoke now coming into the living room along with Jason. I plonked myself in the beige couch. Liza's couch. God I missed her. "Dude what's going on", Jason spoke, sitting down next to me. I realized that I had been crying. I was crying about Liza. I quickly wiped away my tears hoping that Jason wouldn't notice but obviously he did as he gave me a sympathetic look ; collapsed next to me placing a hand on my shoulder. "Look Liza's busy David, just give her some time yeah", Jason spoke reassuringly. I just sighed in response: "It doesn't make me miss her less."
"Come on how about you come out with us for a bit, we have to go to the mall", Scott offered. I bit my lip thinking about it before replying: "Why not". I smiled for the first time in a while.
"Right we need to go urban outfitters first a so need a suit", Jason spoke as me Todd, Scott, Kristen and Corinna walked into the building.
"Why don't you get something for Liza", Kristen spoke suddenly. I shook my shoulders: "I dunn I..."
"Go on", Kristen cut me off saying.  I just rolled my eyes, walking off to the women's section to get Liza something.
'What the', I though picking up this see through dress with holes in. I heard chuckling behind me making me turn around to see my ex standing there. "Rachel hi", I spoke now feeling incredibly awkward and uncomfortable. "What are you doing here", Rachel said no moving closer to me slightly smirking. "I'm just getting something for my girlfriend, the one that I love", and with that I walked off leaving Rachel stunned.
I had been in this shop for an hour and I had not seen any of the boys or Corinna and Kristen and thankfully not Rachel but I had picked up a bunch of clothes that I was hoping Liza would like. I had picked up a pair of blue ripped mom jeans and plain black skinny's both in her size. I also picked a red adidas oversized hoodie as I knew how much Liza loved them and the color red looks really good in her. Finally I picked out two basic t-shirts, one black with a white trim and one white with a black trim. Also grey Tommy Hilfiger top as Liza always wanted one. Casually I walked over to the till to wait in line only to see Rachel standing two people in front of me 'shit' I thought before hurriedly rushing out the queue. I got as far as the men's section before I bumped into a group of people who turned out to be the boys. "Ugh it's just you", I breathed heavily, picking up the clothes I dropped. "What you running from", Todd said earning a laugh from the others. "My ex", I mumbled.
"What", the said in unison.
"I'm hiding from my ex", I said a bit louder. Corinna and Kristen had now joined with a bunch of clothes. They're faces showed complete shock: "Please just help me", I spoke breaking the silence. None of them responded just nodded there head, hiding me just as Rachel came round the corner. I heard her say oh before her footsteps fainted and she was gone. "Coast is clear", Jason shouted, laughing loud. I thanked them all then ran to the till to pay for the clothes.
I had everything, chocolate, flowers, the clothes and Liza's favorite chipotle. I was going to surprise her on set which is where my car is parked now. I made sure to park far away so she wouldn't notice the Tesla. I took a few deep breaths before grabbing the bags and beginning to walk to her trailer. I called Liza's manager to see if she could give Liza some time off which was agreed. So I had 3 hours. 3 hours with my beautiful girlfriend.
Wiping my hands on my jeans, taking a deep breath I knocked on Liza's trailer door. I heard Liza's angelic voice yelling: "Hold on!" A smile spread across my face which got even bigger once Liza opened the door. Her jaw dropped, eyes widening. I saw a sight tear forming in the corner of her eye. I quickly raced up the steps to, shutting the door, carefully dropping the gifts and embracing my girlfriend in a long awaited hug. "Happy Valentine's Day baby", I mumbled into her hair following a gentle kiss down on her curly locks. Liza slowly pulled away, her face was slightly damp and her face was still in shock. I wiped the tears that were brimming with my thumb, stroking it across her soft cheeks. "How about we sit down and eat chipotle", her eyes widened as I said the last word making me chuckle. "I also have some gifts for you", I spoke as I layer the chipotle out in the table. "David you shouldn't have, I only got you some chocolate and a little something", she spike as she noticed the bags in the corner.
"Uh uh no peeking", i said childishly, pecking her nose.

"Here you go", handing her the urban outfitters bag. She skeptically looked from the bag and back to me. Raising an eyebrow she spoke: "You seriously went shopping..for me?"  I laughed at her remark. "Just open it!"  Carefully she opened the bag, throwing the tissue paper out on the floor and pulling out the adidas hoodie. "David", she whispered in shock. "You shouldn't have thank you!" She leaned over hugging me. "Go on open the rest", I pointed to the bag. She smiled folding the hoodie up and placing it on the couch.
"I honestly can't thank you enough bubs, tonight's been great", Liza spoke.
"How about we go home early tonight", I whispered in her ear.
An// I wrote this a while and never thought it was good enough so enjoy this unedited chapter! So sorry for not updating earlier loves :(

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