2 ⇝ good morning

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» A strong individual is someone who asks for help when they need it. «
~ Rona Barret

In which Johnny has to ask Lauren for a place to stay.

Dedicated to: jenzieconfirmed whos one of my new friends. i love ya franx, you're super funny ;)

POV: Johnny Orlando
DATE: 31st January


"Good morning Mr Orlando, how are you today?" Molly, my waitress asks me, and I smile.

"Good thanks. Can I have the usual to takeaway?" I reply warmly.

"Of course, and thats six dollars–"

"Fifty cents, I know." I cut in, grinning again.

Twenty minutes later, the doorbell of the cafe rings out as I exit the place with a coffee and muffin in hand. In the city is an unpopular cafe a few minutes walk from my work which I regularly seek refuge in at this time of the morning; firstly because they sell amazing coffee, and secondly because it's not the smartest looking place in the world. When you're a celebrity as popular as I, you learn to seek out these places.

When I walk into my office building, many voices ring out and greet me. I smile back to all, feeling in a ridiculously good mood. It might have something to with the new song I released a few weeks ago, which recently hit number one on the charts.

I get to my desk, setting down my phone and keys before I begin to eat my muffin. Crumbs fall, but I sweep them into my bin with a flick of my wrist. After eating breakfast, I log onto my computer and reply to important emails in my inbox for a straight hour.

Knowing I have an important radio interview soon, I head off to the tearoom to grab water quickly. When I reach my desk again, the phones ringing and I answer it; if a little breathlessly.

"Johnny Orlando speaking."

"Good morning Mr Orlando. You'll be live on Summerset Radio in ten seconds, is that alright timing?"

"Perfect." I reply, skulling my water and seating myself in my chair.

A beep sounds, presumably on the tenth second, and the radio station host greets everyone listening before reminding them about my interview. While she natters on for a bit, I check their listener count online. Six thousand so far– but the numbers are still climbing. Closing down the window, I wait for my announcement and sure enough, it comes seconds later.

"I'm Brynn, and we are very lucky to have Johnny Orlando joining us today for an exclusive interview; hello Mr Orlando!"

"Hey guys, thanks for having me!" I greet genuinely.

"Oh no problem, no problem." Brynn gushes. "So, tell us about your new song Johnny! I hear it's number one on the charts as of this morning?"

"Yeah yeah, it is." I laugh, taking a breath before carrying on. "Missing you was written by my Dad and I actually, quite a few years back. I must have been about sixteen when we wrote it. We never planned to release the song, but after I went away with friends we decided it was an appropriate time to do so." My heart pangs at the thought of my Dad, but I push away that emotion and focus on the interview at hand.

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