12 ⇝ it has... character

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» We accept the love we think we deserve. «
~ Stephen Chbosky


In which the prank war begins.


Dedicated to: WitheringMoonlight because we've had some great chats recently 😂

A/N ~ There's a lot of POV switches in this chapter, be aware of that hahaha. Also- if you know a song that might fit this chapter hmu! Also pt 2- if you know any good dafont.com fonts comment below because I'm in the process of redoing my covers. Thanks guys!


POV: Johnny Orlando
DATE: 15 January 2026


In the end, Mackenzie and I did end up watching a movie, and a horrible one too. It was a cheesy romance about a bratty girl and a geek– I let Mackenzie pick. Note to self: never let her pick the movie again.

Even though her close proximity didn't do me any favours concentration wise, I did get an idea for a prank to pull on her. See, her hair smells like apples, and I know it's because of the expensive shampoo she uses. She hates maple syrup, as I learnt last night when Lauren cooked pancakes– so why not switch it all around so her shampoo bottle is filled with maple syrup?

It's perfect, and I smile in anticipation.

"What are you smiling at?" Mackenzie asks, voice light and teasing.

"Am I not allowed to simply be happy with life?" I ask, changing the direction that my eyes really want to go and instead resting them on the potted plant over her shoulder.

"No." She frowns back at me. "But I know exactly what you mean."

And with that confusing statement hanging in the air, she leaves, flicking her hair over her shoulder and traipsing out of the room. She's still wearing the oversized shirt of mine that she stole, but she rocks it far better than I ever have with black spandex and fluffy socks that reach past her ankles and halfway up her calf.

Please god, tell me I'm not falling for her.

I sit in silence for a few minutes, watching the doorway she left and revelling in thoughts of her, memories I have from when we dated.

When we toured North America, the UK, Australia and Germany.

When we used to flirt by throwing eachother in the pool.

When we facetimed, did lives together, and took random snapchat videos.

When I used to scare her when she came through doorways.

When we did photoshoots and fans went crazy.

When she used to steal my shirts, just as she did a few days ago.

When we laughed together, had fun together, and simply enjoyed each others company.

It's weird that we have so much history,  know so much about each other, and we've never talked it through.

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