10 ⇝ i don't owe the world anything

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» Somewhere between hello and goodbye there was love; so much love. «
~ -everythingtrustme

In which Jenzie explain it all

Dedicated to: bruhitsbri__ for leaving comments that make me realise why i still write to this day (sorry that was cheesy but i mean it hehe)

A/N ~ Who likes the new username? I do!

As I have school regularly now I can probably only update once a week– what day do you guys think that day should be?

Also I stayed up late writing this so if there's mistakes point them out please. I had no motivation to edit haha

POV: Mackenzie Ziegler
DATE: 8 January 2026


"Well this is very touching."

I was awoken from a deep sleep by a loud voice. Prising my eyes open I sigh at the interruption; Lauren. Johnny stirs next to me, and I untangle myself from his arms a little, subtly.

"Shut up." Johnny says huskily with a deep morning voice, beating me to making a sarcastic remark. I swear my brain doesn't work as fast in the early hours.

"Seriously, you guys should date." She grins, enjoying herself immensely. We both flush, and I turn a little so we're not face to face. The world is still a little hazy, and I shake my head to clear it of dust. So much embarrassment in one morning shouldn't be allowed.

"Been there done that." I say, while Johnny says, "already happened."

A cheeky grin makes it's way onto Lauren's lips. She's loving the awkwardness– actually, she's revelling in it. I close my eyes again, ready to go back to sleep.

"Oh no Kenzieboo. As much as I know you would love to fall asleep in my brothers arms again, it aint happening!" Lauren speaks with a lot of volume.

"Why?" I murmur, the voices in my head whining in protest.

"Because you, and Johnny, owe the world an explanation." She says matter-of-factly.

"I don't owe the world anything." I snap, feeling Johnny's chuckle resonate through the bed. Surprisingly, this makes my chest ignite with warmth.

"You might not." Lauren says. "But John does, and as his sister and your best friend I won't let you two loll about in self-pity all day! So get up!"

"It's best to listen to her." Johnny half whispers and half grumbles into my ear. I hum a sound of understanding back, begrudgingly sitting up with passages from the TigerBeat article floating through my mind. Staff claim what Mackenzie is able to do with her bare hands is 'unnatural'. And we would have all hoped Mackenzie has a better taste in men.

I don't feel angry anymore. Strangely, I just feel sad, and lost, like my brain has somehow detached the part in me that is capable of anger from my body. Is it wrong to feel so... empty?

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