24 ⇝ for the record, i like you in yellow

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» When the world says "give up,"
Hope whispers "try it one more time." «

In which everything gets busy.

A/N ~ So I freaked you guys out with a comment at the end of the last chapter... but then bad part doesn't happen in this chapter hehehe

Also, I'm not a doctor or nurse so please don't criticise the way I wrote this. Most of the medical procedures/tests are based on fact, but some come from my own imagination. Please respect that <3

Dedicated to: promisejenzie thanks for reading my story :)

POV: Mackenzie Ziegler
DATE: 27 January 2026


The rest of the morning was a flurry of activity. All of a sudden there were people to call, things we needed to do, more people to talk to, and tests to take.

"Hello, I'm Johnny, and I'm calling to tell you that I want to donate a kidney. To Mackenzie Ziegler."

After he spoke the sentence with such clarity, I slipped out of his hold. He was gripping the tabletop so hard, eyes glittering with such determination, that I didn't think I could stay in his arms much longer. His glance to me was concerned, but he remained on the topic at hand and kept conversing with Steven. I couldn't take it.

"Yes." He says. "Yes, we do have the same blood type."

With limber footsteps, I crept back into the lounge to see Lauren, and without comment to her I collapsed backwards onto the couch.

"It's not right Laur, he shouldn't be doing this for me." I groan, whispering so he won't hear us from the other room.

"Shut up." She grits her teeth, coming to kneel on the ground beside me.

I sneak a look at her expression. Despite the tone of her voice, she's sympathetic and understanding.

"John loves you Mackenzie. He loves you! Do you think there would be any chance, any small sliver of possibility, that he would let you pass without giving up a fight? Much less let himself stand by and do nothing about it when he is key to your survival?" She tells me, forcedly keeping herself calm.


"If Johnny were dying, would you give him a kidney to keep him alive and safe and yours?" She questions harshly.

"Yes." I breathe without skipping a beat. "Of course I would."

"There's your answer." She sighs, sitting back with amusement dancing on her features. "Don't be hypocritical Mackenzie."

So for the next half hour, I lie on the couch simply contemplating life and the weirdness of it all– the way that one person can save anothers. Before I know it, Johnny's pressing a dark trench coat and my used-to-be-favourite red boots into my hands; I decline them, choking a little in disgust.

"I broke up with Brandon in these boots. There's no way I'm putting my feet in them." I complain, sitting up.

He sends me a questioning look, eyebrow raised.

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