7 ⇝ flustered & annoyed

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» I'm not an early bird or night owl, I'm just some kind of permanently exhausted pigeon. «

In which Mackenzie eavesdrops.

Dedicated to: jenziesdiary because you are probably the kindest person i've met in the fandom. (one of the poeple anyway lol) thank you for supporting me. xox


also, go add my updates book to your library if you like my random personality ;)

POV: Mackenzie Ziegler
DATE: 5 January 2026


"Miss Ziegler! Miss!"

I awake with a start, my eyes flying open and my pencil skidding across a blank page. Wincing at the harsh white light flooding the room, I slump back into my hands with a sigh.

"How long have I been out for?"

"About half an hour Miss." My assistant, Belle, informs me.

"It feels like it was just seconds." I groan. "And anyway Belle, I told you to call me Mackenzie."

"Sorry Mis– Mackenzie, but I think you should go home. It is not worth being at work if you aren't well; and you are so clearly fatigued." Belle's british accent does make a more pronounced entrance when she's stressed or upset, something that's clearly happening right now.

I glare at the line my pencil made as if it could jump off the page and beat me bloody. "Are you sure?" I ask, rubbing my temples.

"No work can be done when you've slept very little." She says firmly.

"How could you tell?" I chuckle, my faint attempt at a joke causing her to smile wistfully.

She walks to the doorway, swinging her slim hips and giving me a sympathetic look. "Your eyes."

I frown, confused.

"They're red, and puffy, despite the concealer you applied this morning. Mackenzie, it's okay to be broken. I know Brandon meant a great deal to you."

We stay in the same places for a while, her in the doorway and me at my desk chair. For those few seconds, she's not just Belle, my assistant, she's a friend; someone who's had a similar experience before.

Then she leaves.

"Belle!" I call out. "Belle."

But she's gone. And so is our moment.


Lauren picks me up half an hour later, and I slip my sunglasses on as I walk out the back entrance to meet her. No one, including Lauren, needs to know that I had a meltdown in the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" Lauren rambles in a way of greeting as she opens the car door for me, blonde hair wild and swinging.

I wave away her concern with a sigh and a wave of my hand, my voice barely surpassing a whisper. "I'm just really, really tired."

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