9 ⇝ could you read it to me

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» Feelings never do make sense. They get you all confused. Then they drive you around for hours before they drop you right back where you started. «
~ Blair Waldorf

In which the media get everything wrong.

Dedicated to: lovinjvo because your always there for me you know?  I always feel like I don't appreciate you enough because I can trust you with anything. We've known each other for quite a few months now, since I had my instagram account (almost a year maybe?) but yet I've never really written you a paragraph. I really hope you're doing well Lupita, and I love you so much xox

A/N ~ Appreciate this, I had so much fun writing it!

POV: Mackenzie Ziegler
DATE: 8 January 2026


When I finally come to, my head feels like it's weighed down by a ton of bricks. It takes me a while, but I finally prise my eyes open. I turn my head, looking all around. The world is hazy and unfocused, but I make out with confusion that I am on the couch in my apartment.

"Oh good, your awake." Says a voice, one that's disturbingly familiar. When I look to my left, I realise that what I previously thought was a pile of washing turns out to be a person. A girl; one with disturbingly straight hair and glittering green eyes. A memory stirs deep within. Her name is Lauren, and she's my best friend. We've know each other since we were twelve.

"Lauren... Hi. What happened?" I ask, talking slowly.

"A lot." She smiles sadly. "How's the hand feeling?"

For the first time, I notice one of my hands is wrapped up in a tight bandage, and tiny pinprickles of pain are stabbing there. Memories rush back to me; the cafe, Johnny and I arguing, the broken glass, the ambulance...


"So this wasn't just a dream?" I murmur, turning my hand over to examine it as if it's going to disappear at any moment.

She chuckles. "Not quite. You need coffee before I tell you everything."

"Everything?" I wince.

"Like I said, you need coffee."

I groan, tucking my head back down. I wish I could remember what happened, but all I can remember is the relief I felt in seeing the ambulance, and how the pain subsided as the drugs took over. I shiver just thinking about it. Something niggles at the back of my brain– something else must have happened I'm sure of it.

It's then when Lauren comes back, holding two cups of steaming coffee; hers bitter and dark and mine with plenty of milk and sugar I'm sure. I murmur her a thank you, immensely grateful, and start sipping from the warm liquid. It spreads throughout my body, soothing my throat and threading caffeine through my veins. Ten minutes pass before my cup is empty, and I rest it on the table in front of me.

I look at Lauren expectantly. "I want the full story now."

"Okay." She sighs, taking a breath. "You remember what happened at the café, yes?"

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