chat room

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hi hi hi. so since u read this book FOR FREE & i put so much time into it it would be freakin awesome if u could answer these 5 measly questions for mee :)) xoxox

1. What was your favourite thing about Holding On?

2. What was your least favourite thing? (& yes, I do want you to be honest because constructive criticism = improvement)

3. Did you look at the pictures at the top of the chapters? Did you look at the songs or listen to them?

4. Did you like seeing Mackenzie and Johnnys transition from people that hated each other – lovers?

5. Did the book make you cry or smile? If so, when?

annnnndd thats all the questions i have 4 u kiddos today. please answer them, it really helps me!! love trin <3

holding on • jenzieWhere stories live. Discover now